Message from @Damp.
Discord ID: 579498231420157955
<:GWaobloChildPepeShrug:407618817569718272> mfw hoes mad
@gamerlord he's son ly now
Sun li?
Bruh niggas chinese now
A nigga shave his beard & really b Chinese
@ßcuzzy rukkasville vaginya
that's chris chan's house
I know that's why I typed it "rukkasville vaginya"
That's how he says it
Son Li and Shin Makari, hosts of De Reekry Sreat
Me rn
30yo Guitar Hero Boomer
Hey fellas
What's beardson Dlive name?
Ok thanks imma try that
more like shavedson shavedly
buffalo diareah dog shit
Posting thinking totenkopf in 2019 lmao
ann coulter like "trumps border wall is diarrhea buffalo shit! i mean what were they thinking!?"
Ann Coulter has watched every angry video game video to own the libs