Message from @naka

Discord ID: 581546607330459659

2019-05-24 18:13:11 UTC  

this ain't no conspiracy theory or nothing but the red hot chili peppers fucking suck

2019-05-24 18:13:16 UTC  


2019-05-24 18:13:18 UTC  


2019-05-24 18:13:18 UTC  


2019-05-24 18:13:29 UTC  

There's a somewhat famous music industry quote

2019-05-24 18:13:34 UTC  

can't stop addicted to the shid nig

2019-05-24 18:13:34 UTC  

heres my new theory: cloning was perfected in 1959 and all of the Beatles are just varying clones of Pete Best.

2019-05-24 18:13:34 UTC  

Icr who said it

2019-05-24 18:13:42 UTC  

The message is what's important

2019-05-24 18:14:38 UTC  

chuck berry's look of abject horror while yoko ono screeches like a cat being boiled alive on stage groyper

2019-05-24 18:14:43 UTC  

"I can be out somewhere, anywhere, and I'll hear a song playing that makes me see GOOD LORD WHAT THE HECK IS THIS HORROR? and the answer is always The RHCP"

2019-05-24 18:15:05 UTC  


2019-05-24 18:15:31 UTC  

That chuck berry mfw

2019-05-24 18:15:46 UTC  

He and Lennon were both renowned wifebeaters

2019-05-24 18:16:05 UTC  

He was looking at old boy like REALLY?

2019-05-24 18:16:27 UTC  

lennon was such a fag it cancelled out the cred of smacking his wife around

2019-05-24 18:16:28 UTC  

chuck berry just loved watching ladies pee

2019-05-24 18:16:57 UTC  

He took too much acid and had troll's remorse

2019-05-24 18:17:44 UTC  


2019-05-24 18:18:08 UTC  

kurt corbain tried to rape a retard

2019-05-24 18:18:35 UTC  

Weirdly, he also got tired of the 'sing songy nice granny music' of mccartney and wanted to do edgier stuff

2019-05-24 18:18:55 UTC  

Cuckaine is a hellovadrug

2019-05-24 18:19:32 UTC  

Rofl that cobain story is wild

2019-05-24 18:20:14 UTC  

just fucking LOL at anyone who thinks courtney love framed kurt's suicide

2019-05-24 18:20:19 UTC  

I heard him tell it and I'm pretty sure dude used the words VAGINAL ODOR

2019-05-24 18:20:42 UTC  

Oh man I knew a girl who thought that

2019-05-24 18:20:42 UTC  

courtney love could not orchestrate running a fucking bath let alone a fake suicide attempt

2019-05-24 18:20:53 UTC

2019-05-24 18:21:03 UTC  

Courtney Love irl is like Courtney Love in The People vs Larry Flynt

2019-05-24 18:21:23 UTC  

truly, life imitates art.....

2019-05-24 18:22:32 UTC  


2019-05-24 18:24:57 UTC  

You literally have to be blind to think that Poliwhirl to Poliwrath is a lazy design. It's actually really intelligent.

Gen 1 designs rely on differences of shape to communicate emotion, change, and evolution. It's one of the trademarks of subtle, intelligent design.

Poliwhirl, for instance, is really round and his eyes are blank. It suggests innocence, complacency, and possibly mental vacancy. But when he becomes Poliwrath, his shape changes. It's not just a matter of "making him angry." He has a different build. He becomes muscular, and consequently, the shape of his whirl changes to accommodate his bulk, making him look more angry, which emphasizes the fact that he's Poliwrath.

Calling Poliwrath a lazy design is flat-out wrong. It's a simple design, but it's a smart one.

2019-05-24 18:26:48 UTC  

You literally have to be blind to think that Poliwhirl to Poliwrath is a lazy design. It's actually really intelligent.

Gen 1 designs rely on differences of shape to communicate emotion, change, and evolution. It's one of the trademarks of subtle, intelligent design.

Poliwhirl, for instance, is really round and his eyes are blank. It suggests innocence, complacency, and possibly mental vacancy. But when he becomes Poliwrath, his shape changes. It's not just a matter of "making him angry." He has a different build. He becomes muscular, and consequently, the shape of his whirl changes to accommodate his bulk, making him look more angry, which emphasizes the fact that he's Poliwrath.

Calling Poliwrath a lazy design is flat-out wrong. It's a simple design, but it's a smart one.

2019-05-24 18:31:13 UTC  

Anons who want too, fucking your mom is surprisingly easy

>what the fuck?? Now way!!

Yes way, let me give you some advice and take this redpill:

Your mom likely has a dissatisfied sex life, half of all marriages moms are divorced, and the others most have at best tolerable marriages with little sex because male sex drive drops during the late 40’s and most long term relationships simply lose sexual vitality over time.

Assuming you are a fairly decent looking 16-35 year old guy, you are young, fun, ambitious and a more handsome reminder of what your mom USED TO LIKE IN YOR DAD. Plus women only truly love their children unconditionally.

I didn’t believe this advice, I got it from some sperg on here like three years ago, had a huge mom getting despite not really finding my mom hot. So I thought it over and finally decided “fuck it!” My parents were in a loveless marriage and I was horny as fuck.

So I started to flirt with my mom, compliment her, touch her more. I was extremely nervous at first but treat your mom like you would any girl/woman you want to bang and put the “mom” title off on the back of your head.

Within maybe a month and a half of this I had my mom sucking down cock in the kitchen and fucking a few minutes later.

First couple of fucks were wild because of the taboo and it was awesome, however after a couple months the taboo wore off and the sex wast really all that great without it plus as I said my mom isn’t even very attractive.

Do I regret it? No those first couple of weeks was some of the hottest sex I’ve ever had even if it was kind of an illusion of my mind. Our relationship is totally fine and I’m happy that I got to do it.

It’s sounds crazy but it’s really not that hard.

2019-05-24 18:35:25 UTC

2019-05-24 18:35:45 UTC  


2019-05-24 18:46:41 UTC  

pete best couldn't keep a beat

2019-05-24 19:44:41 UTC  

My son got an A on his writing assignment this week! Just thought Id share:

You literally have to be blind to think that Poliwhirl to Poliwrath is a lazy design. It's actually really intelligent.

Gen 1 designs rely on differences of shape to communicate emotion, change, and evolution. It's one of the trademarks of subtle, intelligent design.

Poliwhirl, for instance, is really round and his eyes are blank. It suggests innocence, complacency, and possibly mental vacancy. But when he becomes Poliwrath, his shape changes. It's not just a matter of "making him angry." He has a different build. He becomes muscular, and consequently, the shape of his whirl changes to accommodate his bulk, making him look more angry, which emphasizes the fact that he's Poliwrath.

Calling Poliwrath a lazy design is flat-out wrong. It's a simple design, but it's a smart one.

2019-05-24 19:46:20 UTC  

so this is that stupid show you guys all flip out about every Friday?

2019-05-24 19:55:34 UTC

2019-05-24 20:24:03 UTC  

all the girls say i'm pretty fly