Message from @ßcuzzy
Discord ID: 594299088405528577
Pol... Memetic warfare division
the only men in america who like soccer are sex pests or foreigners
doubley so for women's soccer
do women even watch women’s soccer
no one watches women's soccer
hate women, simple as
Soccer is so fucking gay
american soccer is just LWW cope that women can play sports too.
The whole thing is an marketing stunt
You know those punk highway gangs, the ones who really think they rule the road? You just hate them, don't you? So you say, 'Somebody ought to do something about them criminal highway gangs!' And we says, 'Oh yeah?! Well, why don't YOU do something, mister big-mouth!'. You don't have the car? We'll give you the car! You don't want to get arrested for taking the law into your own hands? Not a problem! You know why? Because it AIN'T REAL! It's a whole lot better than real, baby! It's virtual television: reality's worst nightmare!
should I just buy link directly through coinbase
@GRUMPYGAMER That should be illegal
Just buy link asap
Make me rich
but is that the best way to do it
Now that it's on cb
Direct through card
vs trading
Police, a man by the name of Dickjohn Sexboner has been harassing me on the Penguins of Madagascar Unofficial Fan Forum, and I think ya ought to do something about it!
my name jeff
there are a whole bunch of PCs inside keyboards
mostly those shit quad core atom slow ones
but there is an i5 built into a repro commodore 64 case
almost a grand for that sucker thoough
supposedly you can buy just the case and stick your own micro ATX mobo inside
forgot using a gfx card
the quad core atom pc all in ones are only slightly above 100 bucks and are not bad
keep expectations low on what they'll do
i think its 2 GB RAM 32 GB storage
going to walmart, you guys want anything for the show tn?
I'm teaching japs the american way
yeah i’ll have uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh funyun
I want the Sweat to talk about why voting is gay