Message from @SpanishAbbey

Discord ID: 556625867795857429

2019-03-16 20:42:12 UTC  
2019-03-16 20:58:33 UTC  

Nope. Not trans. Trans trender freak.

2019-03-16 21:24:30 UTC  

I feel like you can't really be called a trender anymore after you go under the knife.

2019-03-16 21:51:42 UTC  

IIRC Riley is on hormones. still a dude

2019-03-16 22:50:22 UTC  

not a trans just a dude

2019-03-16 22:50:42 UTC  

isn't it transgender is identifying, transsexual is once you've had bottom surgery?

2019-03-16 22:51:02 UTC  

I don't think you ever go off hormones.

2019-03-16 22:54:31 UTC  

the standard changes depending on who you're talking to. From what I've seen from the trans people I've heard discuss the matter, a transexual has been identified as having dysphoria and are at least working toward SRS, and transgenders are a bunch of larpers

2019-03-16 23:21:44 UTC  


2019-03-16 23:22:36 UTC  

Basically anyone under 40 won't say transsexual cause it makes it sound like some weird sex thing

2019-03-16 23:24:23 UTC  

They said just transsexual until like twenty years ago. After they made up transgender, people tried to make it mean like umbrella term, but that was dumb af, so it's just replacing transexual overall

2019-03-16 23:25:48 UTC  

Trust me, most younger trans people do whatever they can to distance themselves from old hons (the overally sexualized pervs that leave their family at 55 and act like cracatures of women)

2019-03-16 23:28:05 UTC  

If you ever want to laugh at some gross hons, I gotcha fam

2019-03-16 23:28:21 UTC  


2019-03-16 23:37:07 UTC  

It is laughable that "feminist" defend trans women who as you say make caricatures of real women

2019-03-16 23:41:38 UTC  

@Putz I refuse to support those trannies. It's sad because they probably see women that way. They repressed for years and most convinced themselves that women are dumb sluts to make transition unappealing. Then, 40 years later, the transition but their view of womanhood is twisted and disturbing

2019-03-16 23:42:13 UTC  

Between 60 years of male socialization and repressing, they are too far gone

2019-03-16 23:46:06 UTC  

They don't bother me, people are free to do whatever they want in their own basement. There is just inherent conflict of attacking socialital norms for creating expectations of gender roles at the same time as championing caricatures of those gender roles

2019-03-16 23:48:56 UTC  

Agreed. However, most young tranners want to follow standard gender roles which angers TERFs.

2019-03-16 23:52:28 UTC  

We aren't all trans activitists

2019-03-17 00:06:33 UTC  

weren't the old nutters in dresses more regarded as Transvestites?

2019-03-17 00:06:54 UTC  

the word has fallen out of favour but wasn't aware transsexual had

2019-03-17 12:16:08 UTC

So does Ben Shapiro destroy Dr Phil with facts and logic or does he get sent to the ranch, next time on Dragon ball Z

2019-03-17 12:43:07 UTC  

What is the deal with Dr. Phil of late? He went on Rogan a few weeks ago, and now Shapiro?

2019-03-17 13:45:35 UTC  

might be using his pewds popularity to diversify

2019-03-17 13:45:42 UTC  

he has a new book coming out or is it a podcast?

2019-03-17 13:46:30 UTC  

he has a podcast but it seems like it's been happening for a bit of time

2019-03-17 13:46:40 UTC  

he mentioned he already had Shaq and Charles Barkley on

2019-03-17 13:47:13 UTC  

usually people are on some self promo kick

2019-03-17 13:56:44 UTC  

Phill probably recognizes that his audience is aging along with tv, and wants another generation of popularity. He's a very shrewed business man, and doesn't want his career to end when the tv meltdown happens.

2019-03-17 14:12:14 UTC  

I immediately discredit him because he says that the Dems would only win in his scenario based off fraud etc. That seemed unnecessary

2019-03-17 14:19:12 UTC  

It's the shame issue the Dems suffer from where they believe they only lose due to fraud

2019-03-17 14:39:28 UTC  

Ya but there is the two sides saying no you no you,you know and on top of the that doesn’t matter.

2019-03-17 19:33:20 UTC  

Ralph likes to Press Block To Gunt Shield - #CogLive
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2019-03-17 21:30:55 UTC he's a comme with a Patreon