Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 578255386474184726

2019-05-15 01:34:15 UTC  

also, that's fair regarding nuclear

2019-05-15 01:35:41 UTC  

@aguyyouknow @Agent Smith I’m not exactly sure what dirty power agent smith is referring to, but I think I have an idea. Earlier this past decade, grid operators had some difficulties integrating wind power into the grid, this lead to a significant portion of the wind power to be curtailed. Since then, wind curtailments have gone way down because grid operators have learned how to integrate wind better. I think it’s gotten down to less than 1-3% of energy generated (from like 15-30%). It could even be lower because of how rapidly technology is improving.

2019-05-15 01:40:35 UTC  

@aguyyouknow there will always be energy losses from storage. This may sound a bit surprising, but most of the battery storage being built on the grid is providing load balancing services, acting as a peaking plant, is assisting with grid harmonics (I think), or (believe it or not) is deferring costs from really expensive potential upgrades. There really isn’t a good technology for seasonal storage - the best for that so far is pumped hydro, which has its own issues.

2019-05-15 02:01:17 UTC  
2019-05-15 02:01:31 UTC  

To bad they weren't doing this all the time....

2019-05-15 02:34:08 UTC  

@Shadows as drunk as they are, it's no excuse for their behavior (:

2019-05-15 03:07:26 UTC  

Here's the video I mentioned:

2019-05-15 04:14:05 UTC  

My folks have been using solar power nearly 2Ø years now, and it paid itself off after only 5. If Dad would triple the array, PG&E would be paying him.
Well... Not after the bankruptcy, but anyways...

2019-05-15 04:31:43 UTC  

Most places have laws that the energy company doesnt have to pay you for more than you consume, i.e. the best you can hope for is a 0 bill

2019-05-15 04:31:59 UTC  

The overage you give them is free to them

2019-05-15 04:34:12 UTC  

And you can't go offgrid with a payback of 5 years, because the battery systems are expensive then stop stealing mybtax dollars for solar refunds and there's no way you break even

2019-05-15 05:22:03 UTC  

Considering the average home uses 908 kwh's each month, and the average cost of electricity is 12 cents. The only way you would break even with solar panels in 20 years without tax credit is if you could get the whole system for under 20k. That includes the battery, and the panels, which you would likely need at least a third larger system than your actual kwh usage so that you can still power your house entirely on extended cloudy days.

Also you can go fuck yourself during the winter if you live in places where it snows. Even if you have a system rated for double the kwh you need, you'll still face outages.

2019-05-15 05:24:37 UTC  

It snows here, he still more than makes it up.

2019-05-15 06:04:26 UTC  

¿Any guesses where this one leads to?

2019-05-15 10:35:44 UTC  
2019-05-15 11:11:48 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz that’s why most rooftop solar systems are grid tied and utilize net energy metering

2019-05-15 13:13:20 UTC  

And thats why you still need a power plant that backs up the grid, as long as a power plant is required there will be an argument for nuclear as a carbon free option

2019-05-15 13:13:45 UTC  

Solar doesn't replace it

2019-05-15 15:35:22 UTC  

And I've seen it done.

2019-05-15 16:14:23 UTC  

Yeah but your parents are only saving money on their panels likely due to tax credits, since most power companies won't buy your energy any higher than a fraction of a cent per kwh if they pay you back at all.

As it stands, without government intervention, Solar is not economically sound. You get a whole lot less energy, with a whole lot less reliability, for a price that exceeds conventional means at the moment.

2019-05-15 16:20:27 UTC  

I honestly don't know how much they save, but I do know that if Dad even doubles the pannels PG&E would be paying him...
That's **why** he couldn't double the pannels, sort of; His house would become a power station and he can't/won't change the usage permit.
DJ, it's not convenient, but the fact is solar does work, and without "intervention."

2019-05-15 16:21:55 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry what’s the rated size of his system? Do you know?

2019-05-15 16:23:31 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz California still has NEM I believe, they’ll pay back the same rate you pay because of that policy

2019-05-15 16:50:05 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat
I do not and I should because I'd considered adding such a system for my park.

2019-05-15 16:54:32 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry ask him. I’m curious too. The capacity should be rated in kWs.

2019-05-15 16:55:15 UTC  

As soon as I can.

2019-05-15 16:56:22 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat but who wants to live in California? :P

That's the whole thing about solar though. It works, but it's riddled with inconveniences for a premium energy cost. While you can bring the cost down, the inconveniences are pretty much unavaoidable.

2019-05-15 17:01:07 UTC  

I’m just saying that’s the policy there. Many other states have it too

2019-05-15 17:30:28 UTC  

*But who wants to live in California?*
Please don't conflate all of CA with Sodom, uh, I mean Gonnoreha, uh, I mean San Fran. Not even all of SF is leftist... Just the loudly obnoxious jackasses on Mission Street.

2019-05-15 18:08:13 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry mission street sounds like it was Christian once.

2019-05-15 18:14:40 UTC  

It's where the Spanish Mission is still located (I think they still hold services, but don't hold me to that).
... ¿Why is Matt still in Call-in?

2019-05-15 18:15:47 UTC  

He's lurking, watching 👀

2019-05-15 18:22:57 UTC  

Not lurking very well, I can see him there... Seriously, his mike is open even...

2019-05-15 19:23:00 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry even if you aren't living in the shitty areas of California, you still have to deal with their shitty voting. I really like northern and central Cali, but I would never live there when there are places like northern Idaho or montana that are equal in beauty, and you're less burdained by the state.

2019-05-15 19:35:32 UTC  

California is beautiful state run by ugly people.

2019-05-15 19:47:25 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat
He said he wasn't sure what the kwh was, but that tripling the array would produce enough to be a payee... That'd cost around $6Ø,ØØØ, assuming PG&E would agree (they won't).
Sorry I can't do better.

2019-05-15 19:47:38 UTC  


2019-05-15 23:28:49 UTC  
2019-05-16 01:25:02 UTC  

The solar debate is easy, if it was profitable you would see every chainstore with their roofs covered in them. The power companies would contract with you for roof space, the power companys and chain stores would do them at scale cheaper than you can do as an individual.

2019-05-16 01:29:20 UTC  

@Putz two things: that’s starting to happen because commercial rooftop solar has decreased in price and regulated utilities are mostly prevented by law to directly finance rooftop solar. Solar leasing is no longer cost effective because owning the system is cheaper now.