Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 578393516745555969

2019-05-15 16:20:27 UTC  

I honestly don't know how much they save, but I do know that if Dad even doubles the pannels PG&E would be paying him...
That's **why** he couldn't double the pannels, sort of; His house would become a power station and he can't/won't change the usage permit.
DJ, it's not convenient, but the fact is solar does work, and without "intervention."

2019-05-15 16:21:55 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry what’s the rated size of his system? Do you know?

2019-05-15 16:23:31 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz California still has NEM I believe, they’ll pay back the same rate you pay because of that policy

2019-05-15 16:50:05 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat
I do not and I should because I'd considered adding such a system for my park.

2019-05-15 16:54:32 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry ask him. I’m curious too. The capacity should be rated in kWs.

2019-05-15 16:55:15 UTC  

As soon as I can.

2019-05-15 16:56:22 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat but who wants to live in California? :P

That's the whole thing about solar though. It works, but it's riddled with inconveniences for a premium energy cost. While you can bring the cost down, the inconveniences are pretty much unavaoidable.

2019-05-15 17:01:07 UTC  

I’m just saying that’s the policy there. Many other states have it too

2019-05-15 17:30:28 UTC  

*But who wants to live in California?*
Please don't conflate all of CA with Sodom, uh, I mean Gonnoreha, uh, I mean San Fran. Not even all of SF is leftist... Just the loudly obnoxious jackasses on Mission Street.

2019-05-15 18:08:13 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry mission street sounds like it was Christian once.

2019-05-15 18:14:40 UTC  

It's where the Spanish Mission is still located (I think they still hold services, but don't hold me to that).
... ¿Why is Matt still in Call-in?

2019-05-15 18:15:47 UTC  

He's lurking, watching 👀

2019-05-15 18:22:57 UTC  

Not lurking very well, I can see him there... Seriously, his mike is open even...

2019-05-15 19:23:00 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry even if you aren't living in the shitty areas of California, you still have to deal with their shitty voting. I really like northern and central Cali, but I would never live there when there are places like northern Idaho or montana that are equal in beauty, and you're less burdained by the state.

2019-05-15 19:35:32 UTC  

California is beautiful state run by ugly people.

2019-05-15 19:47:25 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat
He said he wasn't sure what the kwh was, but that tripling the array would produce enough to be a payee... That'd cost around $6Ø,ØØØ, assuming PG&E would agree (they won't).
Sorry I can't do better.

2019-05-15 19:47:38 UTC  


2019-05-15 23:28:49 UTC  
2019-05-16 01:25:02 UTC  

The solar debate is easy, if it was profitable you would see every chainstore with their roofs covered in them. The power companies would contract with you for roof space, the power companys and chain stores would do them at scale cheaper than you can do as an individual.

2019-05-16 01:29:20 UTC  

@Putz two things: that’s starting to happen because commercial rooftop solar has decreased in price and regulated utilities are mostly prevented by law to directly finance rooftop solar. Solar leasing is no longer cost effective because owning the system is cheaper now.

2019-05-16 01:30:44 UTC  

It's not *CONVENIENT* not ineffective.
If it were so cost prohibitive, my mom would have had them ripped out.

2019-05-16 01:32:26 UTC  

A large amount of rooftop costs come from soft costs.

2019-05-16 01:34:02 UTC  

Basically costs that are not directly associated with the hardware

2019-05-16 01:34:18 UTC  

Dont forget the right offs and the good publicity with the tree huggers

2019-05-16 01:35:00 UTC  

If it was profitable it would start to be done, it would have been done ar scale with pocketbooks larger than mine

2019-05-16 01:35:19 UTC  

@Putz yes, that has marketing value, but I don’t think it’s really that much

2019-05-16 01:35:40 UTC  

It’s starting to pick up in some states.

2019-05-16 01:36:15 UTC  

Obviously not all states.

2019-05-16 01:36:27 UTC  

It’s an interesting market to follow.

2019-05-16 01:36:29 UTC  

And the fed is giving 20% off in deductions, then letting business count it toward depreciation

2019-05-16 01:37:01 UTC  

So that the citizenry is helping pay for it

2019-05-16 01:38:03 UTC  

Rooftop solar was eligible for the 30% ITC. I think that’s going away in the next couple of years or so.

2019-05-16 01:38:23 UTC  

The biggest policy support for rooftop solar is NEM

2019-05-16 01:39:56 UTC  

Or at least that policy has had the biggest effect on the market

2019-05-16 01:40:51 UTC  

Another piece not discussed is the opportunity cost of tieing up capital into the system

2019-05-16 01:42:39 UTC  

it seems to me the that rooftop solar is also dependent on local conditions. some place get more sun than other. I heard that hawaii uses more rooftop solar as well because all other forms require them to keep importing fuel (drives up the costs of those other energy sources)

2019-05-16 01:43:10 UTC  

Hawaii has the most expensive electricity in the country

2019-05-16 01:43:43 UTC  

right, because its an island

2019-05-16 01:43:59 UTC  


2019-05-16 01:44:31 UTC  

California has a ton of rooftop too