Message from @grant

Discord ID: 588371789328154643

2019-06-11 17:50:23 UTC  
2019-06-11 19:44:32 UTC  

@aguyyouknow finally made it through the andew yang/rubin video. The problem with yang is he still believes the government is the solution to all your problems and although he spouts things like Milton Friedman was for Universal Income, Milton Friedmans brand of Universal Income was based on an entirely different set of goals. For example Milton Friedman was for a UBI replacing all other government welfare programs hoping it would offset some of the coats through reduction of bureaucracy, yang wants to keep the current bureaucracy and add another program on top of it. Milton Friedman saw UBI as a system to empower the free market, Yang wants to expand government control over the markets which defeat the purpose of Milton Friedmans plan.

2019-06-11 19:45:33 UTC  

Yes, that sounds about right. You articulated that better than I could, so thanks

2019-06-11 19:45:48 UTC  

andrew yang may have some positive ideas, but enough to destroy america over

2019-06-11 19:46:21 UTC  

The best part about andrew yang is he is atleast trying to document his ideas so they can be discussed

2019-06-11 19:46:56 UTC  

Vs a biden or a trump agenda which looks more like a childs christmas list than a coherent plan

2019-06-11 19:48:28 UTC  

Same with kamela harris and fauxcohontas, they actually have some dogshit plans on paper so atleast they are clearly defined and we can see how bad it is, lol

2019-06-11 19:48:50 UTC  

The best politicans are the ones that say "that's not my job"

2019-06-11 20:12:55 UTC  

Milton Friedman's negative income tax also only reimbursed you 50% of what the threshold was, so the more money you made through work the better. It's a pretty key difference in my opinion

2019-06-11 21:28:14 UTC  
2019-06-11 22:09:57 UTC  

Dear Carlos;
*"I'm the Hand Of God,
I'm the Dark Messiah,
¡I'm the Vengeful One!
In final moments,
Of s dying world,
¿¡What have you become!?*
Steven XOXO

2019-06-11 22:19:10 UTC  

re: 9/11 first responders healthcare and benefits:

2019-06-11 23:52:16 UTC  
2019-06-12 00:52:27 UTC  

and the nazis took it back smh

2019-06-12 04:44:00 UTC  
2019-06-12 14:14:13 UTC  
2019-06-12 14:19:25 UTC  
2019-06-12 14:26:22 UTC  
2019-06-12 15:14:08 UTC  

No I’m pretty sure they see Jesus Christ as only a prophet not the son of god.

2019-06-12 16:11:04 UTC  
2019-06-12 16:12:15 UTC  

Tim is straight up wrong on this one.

Like I get having to maintain a second apartment is expensive, but congressmen make well over the median income in the US and they don't even work that much more.

2019-06-12 16:12:47 UTC  

beautiful! The capitalist "America will never be socialist" president takes basically no salary, while the social democrat demands higher pay

2019-06-12 16:19:22 UTC  

I could easily afford two mortgages if I were making 14k a month before taxes, plus government benefits like not having to pay for health insurance and having a majority of my travel expenses written off.

2019-06-12 16:38:37 UTC  

Not ZUCKERBERG video is 5 years old, it was crap then, ¿why is this an issue *NOW*?
Congress doesn't deserve a pay raise. $14,ØØØ/month is more than I make gross... Per year.

2019-06-12 17:02:06 UTC  

If only I could get paid that much to sit on my rear and do nothing...

2019-06-12 17:03:38 UTC  

seriously, at 14k per month before taxes, I'd have my student loans paid off within a year and still have a bunch of money left over to pay mortgage on a rather nice house >.>

2019-06-12 17:07:20 UTC  

And congress ia not a full time job, they only work 8 months a year, they get more time off than teachers

2019-06-12 17:08:05 UTC  

And much of that is "state work" which is pretty loosely defined and how much time is spent on campaigning?

2019-06-12 17:09:10 UTC  

Here's what got me going. AOC said that they need 4k a year so they won't abuse other forma of income. Is 4k a year enough to do that, ofc not

2019-06-12 17:09:59 UTC  

No amount of money will buy their integrity

2019-06-12 18:27:28 UTC  

_man_ they churn these out so fast

2019-06-12 18:27:47 UTC  

babylon bee and hardtimes have quickly become my favorite satire news sites

2019-06-12 18:40:42 UTC  

The satire practically write themselves

2019-06-12 18:41:16 UTC  

Don’t need to put too much effort into it when the world is bonkers

2019-06-12 18:43:39 UTC  

that's very true

2019-06-12 18:43:51 UTC  

they do a good job of coming up with clever spins to point out how absurd it is, though