Message from @JewishBastard
Discord ID: 474818585152192513
Now I think of it, how the hell are we supposed to have bubble tea in California if straws are banned?
OMG im in the picture
im famous @Wandering
thats enough internet for today
Loving this "straw" gold.
Pretty much
Man, the UK is really giving the onion a run for their money.
It's hard to believe that a country could be this much of a fucking joke without being so poor that people are at risk of starving.
I feel that the british use the word 'crisps' every chance they get, just cause
don't you? I love saying "crisps"
That Natalie Johnson tweet was amazing. She said that, and then it seemed like every leftist retard that saw the tweet decided as one to demonstrate exactly what she was talking about.
The only justifiable divorce
TL;DR teenage commies are always whiny when they can't control everything
not sure what I'm disturbed more by in this meme. The fact that she identifies as a toddler, or the fact that her boyfriend is dating someone that identifies as a toddler.
*How far can we go?*
I guess the lesson to learn is don't combine hair spray and long ass eyelashes?
they'd be glue-on eyelashes - synthetics+solvent
I'll get back with you guys in a few days when my eyes heal from the acid