Message from @Agent Smith
Discord ID: 531087215678455818
can i get a larger picture size
I don't think they care enough about the 'dreamers' to make a trade like that. I don't think they care enough about anything to make a trade like that.
They don't have the brains to make and trade
@Hellion I know it’s crazy
can we make is orange dye instead?
^^^^^ I totally agree.
I like it.
@Agent Smith Then the government should be making more of these...
incoming nudes "leak"
there is Debbie Wasserman Schultz nudes...
why do you hate me?
admit it - you're curious
i am curious as to the reason they exist but not in actually viewing such nudes
If she keeps downing all those beers who knows what she’ll send out.
*C R I N G E*
This guy has an incredibly memeable name. Lol
Did he take his husband’s last name and hyphenate it with his own?
Michelle Alexandria Vallygirl-As-hurt.
That person should change her name.....
@Ragglefraggle07 Nice pic.
she a gud girl - she dindu nuffin!