Message from @uncephalized

Discord ID: 592471910948798506

2019-06-23 21:25:53 UTC  

Because there are other Florida men

2019-06-23 21:33:53 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat the only argument you have against polygamy from a biblical stance that's semi consistent is that at one point God was like 👌then later was like 🙅‍♂️

2019-06-23 21:34:22 UTC  

And idk why discord adds the gender emoji.

2019-06-23 21:34:44 UTC  

That may be his only argument.....

2019-06-23 21:34:45 UTC  


2019-06-23 21:35:12 UTC  

@uncephalized What do you mean by "worked", as polygamist societies tended/tend to be far more hostile.

2019-06-23 21:36:25 UTC  

@Shadows it works under certain circumstances that usually come about after hostility.

2019-06-23 21:37:10 UTC  

It doesn't just come after hostility, it actively creates it also.

2019-06-23 21:42:10 UTC  

polygamy causes conflict because it creates competition of for limited resources

2019-06-23 21:43:10 UTC  

That it does.

2019-06-23 21:46:08 UTC  

@Shadows "worked" means "survived for long periods of time"

2019-06-23 21:46:43 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz just wants a harem. How does a world come about with so many more women that polygamy is necessary? A natural disaster will kill as many men as women. As does a a nuclear bomb or another war with modern arms... They will either be over quickly without killing even 1% of the population or pretty much everyone will die, man and woman alike.

2019-06-23 21:47:15 UTC  

No it's clearly an adaptation to a warlike society where men die far more frequently than women.

2019-06-23 21:47:56 UTC  

In the more primitive/tribal warfare scenario where the majority of the men are combatants.

2019-06-23 21:48:48 UTC  

Inner city gang cultures would be a good analogue in the modern society.

2019-06-23 21:49:11 UTC  

Well yes but those times are over. You are talking not hundreds but thousands of years ago.

2019-06-23 21:49:36 UTC  

some of that can be made up by the age range of sexual viability though, older men can still be reproductive

2019-06-23 21:49:46 UTC  

I doubt that even as little as 10% of inner city youths are killed violently..

2019-06-23 21:50:21 UTC  

If you count "in jail" as "temporarily dead" then the number is much higher.

2019-06-23 21:51:28 UTC  

also inner city culture doesnt really proof that one man with multiple women is such a great concept

2019-06-23 21:51:51 UTC  

I didn't say it was great.

2019-06-23 21:52:00 UTC  

I said it was functional

2019-06-23 21:52:28 UTC  

but how many of them get out early/often enough to impregnate someone

2019-06-23 21:54:52 UTC  

Less than they would if they weren't in prison at all.

2019-06-23 21:55:03 UTC  

These things are not binary.

2019-06-23 21:56:32 UTC  

Take the average percentage of life spent in prison by gang members during peak reproductive age 16-40. That is the equivalent of killing off that percent of the male population and should have an equivalent effect on the rate of polygamy.

2019-06-23 22:03:49 UTC  

I'm off to sleep, if anyone still cares about this later i could pick it back up. If not, we need some more pictures!

2019-06-23 22:08:00 UTC  

@scaevola fuck dude. One wife is enough work for me. God forbid I had multiple. That's one thing about polygamy I don't get. Who the fuck wants to care for multiple women? One is bad enough, sure you can have more sex, but is that really worth all the work and splitting of resources?

2019-06-23 22:20:47 UTC  

I gotta speak up for @DJ_Anuz...
I actually *do* want a harem. And it's dozens, at most, years... Not hundreds. (RIP, Sir Terry... 😥)
@Shadows, correlation is not causation; Polygamy doesn't cause violent societies. Indeed, the underlying violence in societies seem, at least in some cases, to create the polygamous societies.

2019-06-23 22:21:52 UTC  

Although it is well known that an abundance of celebate males does result in violence. @Mandatory Carry

2019-06-23 22:22:37 UTC  

¿Does it? ¿You know this how exactly?

2019-06-23 22:23:49 UTC  

Because we've seen it manifest throughout many societies.

2019-06-23 22:24:01 UTC  

And are even seeing it manifest in incels today.

2019-06-23 22:24:08 UTC  

It also manifests in animals that are closely related to us or have relatable traits.

2019-06-23 22:27:15 UTC  

Strange, I was just saying *"the underlying violence in societies seem, at least in some cases, to create the polygamous societies."*

2019-06-23 22:30:21 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry I'm talking outside of polygamous societies.

It's observed in any society that an abundance of incels increases tension and does lead to violence.

Polygamy itself doesn't lead to violence if it doesn't result in incels.

2019-06-23 22:32:37 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz you're thinking from the perspective of a normal-status male in a monogamy-normative culture. The cost of an additional wife in a society that doesn't give rights to women and where they are expected to pull their own weight is low.

2019-06-23 22:32:57 UTC  

And more than offset by the reproductive advantage.

2019-06-23 23:06:41 UTC  

@uncephalized that's true. But I was basically accused of being a manwhore who wants a harem, so that's why I said it anyways.

2019-06-23 23:08:45 UTC  

Haha ok. For the record I have one wife and she is plenty for me too.

2019-06-23 23:11:42 UTC  

If you had more than one you likely live in a shithole country :P that or it's not legal