Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 513869794710257664

2018-11-18 05:23:35 UTC  

oh wow I was scrolled way back in the conversation

2018-11-18 05:28:34 UTC  

Yesterday it scrolled me back days for no reason

2018-11-18 17:03:13 UTC  

I mean, it's not they could get any worse

2018-11-18 17:09:52 UTC  

I guess it would be interesting to see if people celebrate the first female black coach.

2018-11-18 17:33:32 UTC  

She's not really female or black. Condy is a straight, white, christian male wearing a disguise. #resist

2018-11-18 18:16:48 UTC  

The real test for AOC will be this coming year. Congressmen get early access to information that investors would kill for. If her net worth explodes. Yep she is corrupt

2018-11-18 23:38:06 UTC  

DailyMail and not the onion, huh?

2018-11-18 23:38:52 UTC  

I hope Matt talks about this tonight.

2018-11-19 00:04:56 UTC  

"fouling" rofl

2018-11-19 00:05:31 UTC  

I'd change my name to something to the effect of that article if I hadn't changed it 10 times in the past few months

2018-11-19 00:07:41 UTC  


2018-11-19 00:13:54 UTC  

We don't use that word here, "fouling". We use 'defecate', or 'use the bathroom on',

2018-11-19 00:14:10 UTC  

I've actually never heard that word used to describe a dog taking a dump haha

2018-11-19 00:15:06 UTC  

Yeah neither

2018-11-19 00:15:09 UTC  

England the fuck

2018-11-19 00:15:36 UTC  

You can foul a ball, when you send it out of bounds

2018-11-19 00:15:43 UTC  

But fouling a turd, thats a new one

2018-11-19 00:16:39 UTC  

I guess that means putting it on a colored person's property is the same as sending it out of bounds like in a ball game

2018-11-19 00:17:05 UTC  

Dog gets a 30 yard penalty!

2018-11-19 00:18:40 UTC  

Yeah whoddathunkit

2018-11-19 00:19:00 UTC  

Same thing with the male executives not wanting to take on junior women

2018-11-19 00:19:19 UTC  

Feminism backfires once again

2018-11-19 00:19:27 UTC  

I mean CPR is a situation where your innocence is harder to prove

2018-11-19 00:19:44 UTC  

Isn't letting people die a crime too?

2018-11-19 00:19:47 UTC  

Considering you’re actually touching her tits and “kissing” her

2018-11-19 00:20:04 UTC  

Like in anime that shit counts as a kiss

2018-11-19 00:20:12 UTC  

Also yes at least in Australia

2018-11-19 00:20:25 UTC  

What if the 911 hotline instructs you to do it? Would they be charged too?

2018-11-19 00:20:35 UTC  


2018-11-19 00:20:36 UTC  

If you have a first aid license and you fail to provide aid in an accident you can be liable for any injury or fatality

2018-11-19 00:20:53 UTC  

Oi, you gotta license for that! lol

2018-11-19 00:21:06 UTC  

And in order to have _a lot_ of jobs here you kinda need/want a first aid license

2018-11-19 00:21:23 UTC  

Hell to even _volunteer_ licensees are looked upon favourably