Message from @[DGI]tech

Discord ID: 584478499222454282

2019-06-01 16:55:43 UTC  

Well if I was a gambling man I’d say average IQ around 80. I think Molymeme said violence peaks between 80 and 90 IQ and is actually lower for sub 80 IQ

2019-06-01 17:03:55 UTC  

iq is lower for criminals in general, just wondering if iq by crime would be more informative

2019-06-01 17:04:19 UTC  

i.e. you'd expect iq for embezzlement to be a bit higher

2019-06-01 17:04:48 UTC  

but what about mass murderers, they don't tend to be impulse specific since there is typically premeditation

2019-06-01 17:06:55 UTC  

i would assume impulse crimes are lower iq

2019-06-01 17:11:42 UTC  

... Admittedly I was _"stationed"_ (not really) at Cape May at the time.
And no. I assumed he was white because everyone there is white (when you're racing through on a bus doing 65 in a 55 zone).
_"Most_ *HIGH PROFILE* _ mass shooters..."_
... Nah. You didn't answer your own wuedtion right there.
_"Most shooters are drunk..."_
And that is why inebriation has a separate exemption unto itself, whether it is "only a good chunk" or _*LITTERALLY ONLY F-ING ONE,*_ they're still exempt and discouraged.
BTW, an IQ of 8Ø is the (not figurative) litteral legal standard for _"mentally retarded."_

2019-06-01 17:12:55 UTC  

I didn’t ask a question so I don’t know what you’re talking about. And yeah most murderers are severely mentally deficient. That’s why they’re out there killing human beings

2019-06-01 17:15:20 UTC  

There are different kinds of murders requiring different levels of cognitive ability

2019-06-01 17:15:50 UTC  

I would assume mass murder and serial killer require higher cognitive function

2019-06-01 17:16:25 UTC  

Maybe less so since the media btoadcasts the playbook, but still more than an average street thug

2019-06-01 17:16:26 UTC  

_"Most *high profile*"_
¿And who controls the profile? Hint, it's the same ones saying most mass shooters are white males.
Whether or not most murderers are mentally deficient or not, average IQ is substantially higher than 8Ø. (Ehem, and thank you for looking past the autocorrect fail.)

2019-06-01 17:17:25 UTC  

Mass murders are high profile when they “could’ve happened to anyone” in my mind. The murder rate is dominated by people killing a single person they know. That’s why high profile mass murders are just a blip regardless of how they’re defined

2019-06-01 17:18:16 UTC  

I would be shocked if the average IQ of all murderers wasn’t between 80 and 90

2019-06-01 19:50:40 UTC  

How does one put the Holocaust and Jim Crow in the same sentence? *oh yeah, it's Barrack speaking*

2019-06-01 19:54:38 UTC  

IQ... You keep using that word... It... Does not mean... What... You think it mean.

Anyways, a mass shooting becomes "high profile" if it's profiled, your preference doesn't matter; If the media doesn't want to talk about it, they won't.

Put Barack in any sentence, and suddenly wierd word-shit salads are served.

2019-06-01 20:28:13 UTC  

The term "mass shooting" is largely a shitty metric that the media and many others love to blow out of proportion.

2019-06-01 20:28:53 UTC  

Also, Obama is a meme. Once again, another appraised two faced phony by sheep to the slaughter.

2019-06-01 21:17:19 UTC  

The legal standard for mass shooting is 4 or more dead without other criminal conduct.
¿Don't like it? Take it up with the FBI, they set the standard.

2019-06-01 21:27:21 UTC  

They also changed the standard under Obama.

2019-06-01 21:27:47 UTC  


2019-06-01 21:30:09 UTC  

The Washington Post analysis uses data from Mass Shooting Tracker, a database started by Redditors, and reflects the number of incidents in which four or more people were killed or injured by a shooter (including the shooter).

This stands in contrast with the FBI's definition of a mass shooting, which is one of the most commonly accepted ones: an incident in which three or more people are killed as part of a single shooting, excluding the shooter. (Prior to 2013, that number was four.) That means if 40 people were shot but only two died, the FBI would not consider it a mass shooting — such as the Virginia shooting during a live TV broadcast.

2019-06-01 21:49:43 UTC  

I see. *contemptuous sniff*

2019-06-02 13:37:03 UTC

2019-06-02 13:38:25 UTC  

So because a non indigenous person didn’t lead the investigation . It’s why it failed and not that many of the properly trained people couldn’t find anything.

2019-06-02 14:09:04 UTC  


2019-06-02 14:09:11 UTC  

it's because of the rassism

2019-06-02 18:33:57 UTC  

Hmmmm could the crazy do something crazy in the dem primary

2019-06-02 18:36:36 UTC  

Bernie let it happen to him in 2016 and I think Clinton did as well. Bet this is just the start

2019-06-02 18:37:39 UTC  

The fear that was in her eyes. Man, if we could somehow extract that and put it in a bottle. We might be able to solve a lot of modern problems

2019-06-02 18:39:19 UTC  

Woke Twitter has already warped that into ‘entitled white male has taken mike from black women’

2019-06-02 18:39:43 UTC  

It’s one of your own you intersectional freaks

2019-06-02 18:55:13 UTC  

if you look closely, she handed the mic to him

2019-06-02 19:21:12 UTC  

The guy who took the mic from kamala harris was wearing a shirt that said something about animal rights

2019-06-02 19:21:52 UTC  

So probably a PETA Vegan type person