Message from @IImploreYouToRemoveYourself

Discord ID: 598513309292953610

2019-07-10 02:46:12 UTC  

so you swallow?

2019-07-10 02:46:52 UTC  


2019-07-10 02:52:30 UTC  

Oh I missed this šŸ¤¦ "It was probably one of the most traumatic culinary experiences Iā€™ve ever had, but I honestly found it less disgusting than eating something made of animal blood."

2019-07-10 02:57:33 UTC  


2019-07-10 03:13:13 UTC  

@micamike45 "I think the energy required to repair the wound is going to outweigh the gain" <--This.

2019-07-10 03:16:19 UTC  

I can't stomach the idea of eating blood. I have eaten almost any organ, a variety of animals, but blood, brain, and eyes are just too far.

2019-07-10 03:16:35 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz Is there somewhere I can rent Alita for a couple of bucks online? I am not going to spend $20 to buy a movie I've never seen and don't even know if I will like...

2019-07-10 03:16:59 UTC  

Amazon has no Rent option on it for some reason...

2019-07-10 04:33:35 UTC  

@uncephalized I looked around and it looks like rental won't come out until after the physical release July 23rd.

For me it's an easy purchase, but I already saw and loved it. I've probably spent well over $100 on the franchise, including buying tickets for 6 other people.

2019-07-10 04:35:03 UTC  

Don't get me wrong. The movie has its flaws narratively, Hugo being the biggest, but Alita is just such a lovable MC that it still ranks really high in my book.

2019-07-10 04:48:44 UTC  

Ah, I see. I'll just wait a couple weeks then. Thanks.

2019-07-10 04:49:59 UTC  

@micamike45 Grummz is really good.

2019-07-10 05:14:58 UTC  

I like Grummz as an individual. I wish he worked on games I liked

2019-07-10 06:29:02 UTC  

Speaking of which, Āæremember I was bent out of shape about a deal my partner pulled out on? Well we settled the thing; She took the money back and is putting it to her other project, building a fan Based Fallout 3...

2019-07-10 06:34:18 UTC  

I've been playing Fallout 3 lol doesn't require as much cognitive overhead as 1/2, so I'm less distracted doing uni work

2019-07-10 07:02:03 UTC  

@micamike45 i couldnt believe that was real. wtf was facebook thinking??

2019-07-10 07:03:07 UTC  

check out what they consider dangerous individuals and organizations:

that hate organization one would be where they can put any dissenters. especially with groups like the SPLC labeling any non leftist group a hate group.

2019-07-10 13:52:52 UTC  

Revisionist history helped to create the holocaust.

2019-07-10 14:01:48 UTC  

Isn't it great when giant evil corporations decide that the way to not be evil is to stop doing business with companies they don't like, instead of ceasing to do evil things?

2019-07-10 14:04:50 UTC  

I can't even find the actual press release just journalists talking about the press release. So I don't even know what exactly they're pulling out of. Besides ain't it great Bank of America really hates brown people, they hate them so much that they are pulling funding from facilities constructed to keep them safe because "it's too risky." Yes Bank of America said that keeping people of color safe is too risky

2019-07-10 14:07:40 UTC  

Bank of America would rather these poor brown people die in a desert than actually receive help. They also probably want to open the border and send advertisements to other countries so even more people can die in the desert. They won't be satisfied until all these new people are thousands of dollars in debt working for pennies and dying on their way to the US? Sound familiar?

2019-07-10 14:12:13 UTC  

```Google has undertaken a substantial program to ensure its code adheres to standards of political correctness. The ā€œrespectful codeā€ policy, a copy of which was obtained by the Daily Caller, applies both to new code, and also includes an initiative to go back and edit old code that may include phrasing or words deemed problematic by Googleā€™s diversity and inclusion team.

This is a matter of utmost importance, according to one of the documents obtained by The Daily Caller, because, ā€œThe cost of not doing this is the harm done to other Googlers every time they encounter these terms.ā€```

2019-07-10 14:36:44 UTC  

Problematic words? What, like the use of master/slave terminology in tech?

2019-07-10 14:40:23 UTC  

Wtf. Code is code. It's a textual machine. That's like saying we need to go back and modify all the excavators and backhoes because they support white supremacy.

2019-07-10 14:51:31 UTC  

*"Problematic words? What, like the use of master/slave terminology in tech?*"
Or dating...

2019-07-10 15:07:55 UTC  

yes, the python group(or whatever you call it) brought up the master/slave thing as problematic

2019-07-10 15:11:40 UTC  
2019-07-10 15:11:50 UTC  

Is this add funny? Havenā€™t watched it

2019-07-10 15:30:58 UTC  

"not a good look"
There's that phrase again

2019-07-10 15:32:25 UTC  

"not a good look" is such a bitch-made phrase. they're sooo overly concerned with how things look than how things are

2019-07-10 15:33:22 UTC  

I like how the implication is that the NRA is paying them to care about the constitution

2019-07-10 15:45:13 UTC  


2019-07-10 15:47:03 UTC  

The green new deal is STILL being brought up as reasonable