Message from @uncephalized

Discord ID: 599802938373832705

2019-07-13 20:18:15 UTC  

He talks about homeless people basically every day on the Adam and Dr. Drew show. He’s on the verge of finding a way to sue the California government for not dealing with the crisis and/or for making it worse and putting public health at risk

2019-07-13 20:36:56 UTC  

Listen to Tims exact words starting at 18:28

2019-07-13 20:41:48 UTC  

I don't think Trump is like a certain WWII .......What word he use?

2019-07-13 20:43:00 UTC  

Oof, that's one hell of a word mix-up

2019-07-13 20:44:29 UTC  

"ww2 era hero"

2019-07-13 21:19:44 UTC  
2019-07-13 21:27:04 UTC  

Well, so much for Tim red pilling.
And of course, the ICE attacker is a right winger...

2019-07-13 23:33:45 UTC  

Can she ever back track? It’s always a double down

2019-07-13 23:42:20 UTC  

Trump is playing 4d chess by supporting pelosi publically in this drama. Which will turn more people against pelosi. It's brilliant

2019-07-14 00:44:59 UTC  

very good political move by trump. we've been anticipating this dem party collapse since the 2018 bi-elections

2019-07-14 01:21:09 UTC  

Anybody following the Aurora protests? Bunch of people protesting at an ICE office and replaced the American flag with a Mexican one

2019-07-14 01:24:07 UTC  

In an uncharacteristically lucid display of their real intentions, perhaps

2019-07-14 01:26:48 UTC  

We're trying not to, tbh... It's kinda like Bodhi, eventually they go away if you invite them...
Or they come back shooting.

2019-07-14 01:45:22 UTC  

ehhhhh that protest I don't care too much about since its just a few activists....fine the fuckers....its the attack at the ICE center in Washington

2019-07-14 02:00:53 UTC  

*Disagreeing with the Squad doesn’t make you a racist.*
Exactly what a rassist would say smh

2019-07-14 02:50:55 UTC  

Not terribly surprising that Maureen Dowd would have Pelosi's back.

2019-07-14 02:55:44 UTC  

To be fair, Pelosi is absolutely right, AOC is, in addition to being an incredible retard, is a self aggrandizing hack, but Dowd would have sided with Pelosi regardless of who was right.

2019-07-14 03:22:44 UTC  


2019-07-14 04:51:12 UTC  

Chris Cuomo's father was in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book

2019-07-14 04:51:20 UTC  

These people are Scum!

2019-07-14 09:26:45 UTC  

who's directly involved is not as big a question as who was knowledgeable of it and didn't do anything about it. much like the weinstein story. Everyone knew, and they didn't care. And somehow i'm the chauvinist pig that degrades women because I think equal pay for equal work is a fair ideology

2019-07-14 14:35:43 UTC  

that's very sad

2019-07-14 14:46:09 UTC  

I can’t wait for every single good franchise to be ruined by social justice bullshit. This is awesome

2019-07-14 14:46:33 UTC  

It’s well beyond parody at this point. “I have an idea for a new exciting movie: James Bond, but as a black woman”

2019-07-14 14:48:44 UTC  

i won't watch this movie. james bond is not a tranny. very transphobic NOT COOL

2019-07-14 14:50:16 UTC  

I think it’s pretty racist to name the negress “Lynch” honestly. I find that very distasteful

2019-07-14 14:52:00 UTC  

that's worse than the Betsy Ross flag smh #everydayrassism

2019-07-14 15:14:34 UTC  

good news is she is only 31 so she can do this role for the next 20 years

2019-07-14 15:35:33 UTC  

Yeah that is good news. In the end it isn’t gonna matter because this will just be a one off with no sequels and will likely be written out of the cannon anyway

2019-07-14 15:36:23 UTC  

It’s not like she’s actually James Bond, she’s just taking his title in MI6 because social justice. When the movie bombs they’ll find a way to put James back in as 007

2019-07-14 15:39:44 UTC  

Oh I didnt realize you hate black people but ok. I thought Trump was literally Hitler but maybe you are ✊🏿

2019-07-14 15:40:41 UTC  

Wait how did the black get through our filters? We must not have gotten the biased machine learning algorithm trained properly smh my head

2019-07-14 15:41:37 UTC  

The interns are working on it, but we need to get more whips for them - the old ones wore out.

2019-07-14 15:44:40 UTC  

Well keep after it

2019-07-14 15:48:07 UTC  

How do you guys keep your fighting spirit? This shit just makes me tired. Our culture produces nothing worth saving anymore. Tranny Frodo of color when?