Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 580950444906512395
What’s left?
I know that aliens, predator, Jurassic park/world.
Probably do Aliens weapons
@Josh & Jess Hahn
Hey y'all! This server has more of the active members. Y'all are welcome to join!
@Mystic axe excellent job on the call
and I just one up'd you
@Ragglefraggle07 Thanks! got to go to bed at 9:30 so i can wake up 5
Alright @Mystic axe you have a goodnight
Will do @Ragglefraggle07
Is call in show not this week?
Check roll call
Matt tweeted it will not be tonight.
fair, I didn't scroll up enough
and barely ever use twitter
¿Why's he back on voice chat?
How come i'm listetning to somone named "Blonde" , who's not _actually_ Blonde ?
@Blonde in the Belly of the Beast _**Faux-eidi**_
Did you know, that San Francisco toll roads (supposedly from what someone that works on them told me) don't accept credit or debit cards to reduce traffic congestion?
Next time you go through one of their tolls you should go out of your way to stop at a bank and get pennies. I hate the $20 fine they stack on you if you don't have any cash.
That would piss so many people off. Lol
Fuck em. Also, why the fuck do some of the bridges open up to 5-6 lanes, only to bi whittled down to 3 toll booths?
Sorry, I just really really hate toll roads. Especially when I have to spend $4 in gas in Cali.
Yeah. I pay almost 2.80 $/gal in Georgia.
Still not cheap.
There were 2 gas stations 2 miles apart across county lines that had a 50 cent difference in price while I was driving through.
Not that extreme in the south.
that happens occasionally up here in NY too, though that extreme of a price difference is usually due to the gas station being on a reservation
are you really complaining about $2.80/gal? ffs, we're paying $3.46/gal here!
I haven't seen that price in 20 years!
Why would you live in California?
Thought it was officially the democratic republic of buttstuffistan
California Uber Alles
@DJ_Anuz they accept credit/debit, but not at the booths. you sign up for a rfid unit and it bills your account. they call it FasTrak
I'm not signing up for FasTrak and sticking that stupid thing on my car for the 2 times each year I visit family in California.