Message from @uncephalized

Discord ID: 600475058174951437

2019-07-15 23:42:31 UTC  

Right. I can’t determine whether or not someone goes to heaven.

2019-07-15 23:42:56 UTC  

You can estimate based on the signs of spiritual fruit in their life

2019-07-15 23:43:54 UTC  

I don't claim to be an expert but I've read enough of the Gospels to think that Jesus would not be happy with a rigid legalism around the speech of others.

2019-07-15 23:43:55 UTC  

Hmm... we shouldn’t cast eternal judgment on others (matters of damnation/salvation), but to judge in the context of a society’s established laws isn’t forbidden.

2019-07-15 23:44:18 UTC  

@uncephalized right. That’s what I was saying earlier.

2019-07-15 23:44:39 UTC  

@Bowman151 not that we "shouldn't" cast judgment, we literally can't

2019-07-15 23:44:59 UTC  

eternally speaking

2019-07-15 23:45:01 UTC  

not legally

2019-07-15 23:45:03 UTC  

legally we can

2019-07-15 23:46:24 UTC  

Yeah. I just get tired of the misuse of some of those verses that Christians are not to speak out against sinful acts, loose morals, etc.

2019-07-15 23:47:42 UTC  

you mean, people take the Bible out of CONTEXT

2019-07-15 23:48:58 UTC  

I find it funny when non Christians who’ve barely read the Bible tell Christians how to interpret it. Lol

2019-07-15 23:49:48 UTC  

I"m sure they'd say the same about a Christian reading Dawkins or Pinker or Hawkins

2019-07-15 23:50:26 UTC  

About whenever they comment on Christianity?

2019-07-15 23:51:28 UTC  

no i meant like a Christian reads The God Delusion and projects anti-God rhetoric onto Dawkins

2019-07-15 23:51:50 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat "I find it funny when non Christians who’ve barely read the Bible tell Christians how to interpret it. Lol"

You mean like I was just doing? XD

2019-07-15 23:52:02 UTC  

But he is anti God. @Clive l

2019-07-15 23:52:29 UTC  

@uncephalized you were in the mindset more of asking if that’s what it says.

2019-07-15 23:52:31 UTC  

@uncephalized you said this though so you're not a complete asshole
uncephalizedToday at 4:43 PM
I don't claim to be an expert

2019-07-15 23:52:55 UTC  

Haha I just don't want to live under blasphemy laws is my whole thing.

2019-07-15 23:53:30 UTC  

Also yes Dawkins is literally anti-God. And that is something I *do* know about.

2019-07-15 23:54:06 UTC  

well he's also anti-gods plural and anti-supernatural

2019-07-15 23:54:38 UTC  

Yes, he focuses on the Christian God because that is the dominant religion in his country.

2019-07-15 23:55:39 UTC  

As far as I’ve seen, his arguments are stupid.

2019-07-15 23:55:57 UTC  

Same with the rest of the ‘four horsemen’

2019-07-15 23:56:55 UTC  


2019-07-15 23:57:09 UTC  

he dissed the 4 horsemen

2019-07-15 23:57:16 UTC  

Where's Ben Stiller?

2019-07-15 23:57:17 UTC  

I mean

2019-07-15 23:57:20 UTC  

Sam Harris

2019-07-16 00:00:54 UTC

2019-07-16 00:01:48 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat i gotta drive home, tag me with more theological yummies if you post some

2019-07-16 00:01:52 UTC  

Whenever moral anti-realists state that Christianity is absolutely immoral then you know they are contracting what they claim to believe and are being intellectually dishonest.

2019-07-16 00:01:59 UTC  
2019-07-16 01:17:44 UTC  

¿Why does everyone *ignore* the second half?
*Judge not lest ye be judged yourself; And by the measure ye judge so shalt ye be judged.* It's not and never was a commandment against judgement; It was a commandment to judge *fairly and evenly* (and not even necessrily leinently).

2019-07-16 01:19:00 UTC  

nah dude, he saved that adulterer and that means adultery is cool

2019-07-16 01:46:40 UTC  

¿And you know *everything* of her life I suppose?

2019-07-16 02:00:12 UTC  

Dat thief on da cross nex to Gsus, big man say to him "today you will be with me in paradise" Gsus must like stealing and think it okay

2019-07-16 02:03:21 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat I don't remember Dawkins ever claiming that Christianity is absolutely immoral. He thinks gods are not real and that religion leads to bad outcomes.

2019-07-16 02:03:59 UTC  

He does believe that the God of the Bible is a monster but I don't believe he claims it on absolute grounds.

2019-07-16 02:05:05 UTC  

Skeptics never ever claim anything on absolute grounds...ever