Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 592381786265354250

2019-06-23 03:29:51 UTC  

If the have access to food then why do 15 million households have issues with obtaining food.

There is also programs for healthcare, specifically medicaid and obamacare yet they still push to change the system to be more inclusive

2019-06-23 03:31:54 UTC  

Fun fact: meal prepping is actually cheaper than buying out every meal, every day.

2019-06-23 03:32:49 UTC  

very true. especially when you try and get a good macro balance

2019-06-23 03:54:37 UTC  

BigTravis knows about BIG BALANCES

2019-06-23 04:33:21 UTC  

@Legalize has a very valid point; 25% of draftees in WWII were "initially rejected as unsuitable for service" for health reasons tracable to poor diet. (Plot twist; food stamps and school lunches were tied to *defense* spending.)

2019-06-23 05:19:46 UTC  

@[DGI]techbut it taste like shit. So . Checkmate.

2019-06-23 05:23:22 UTC  

Fresh food fo lyfe

2019-06-23 06:27:30 UTC  

@TheCompanyMan Meal prepping is fresh food!

2019-06-23 06:27:39 UTC  

Well, it should be.

2019-06-23 06:27:49 UTC  

Screw frozen nonsense besides frozen veggies.

2019-06-23 06:28:58 UTC  

His point is, its not fresh after he deals with it, because he sucks at making anything.

2019-06-23 06:38:44 UTC  


2019-06-23 13:17:37 UTC  

Healthcare as a human right is a stupid idea.

Rather than mandate free healthcare, the govt just needs to de-regulate the shit out of it and allow our healthcare system to be an actual free market. Then prices will fall, and it's likely quality will only rise.

Then there is no need for healthcare for all.

2019-06-23 14:26:50 UTC  

Hell, when I was living in my car, I was opposed to "free" healthcare...

2019-06-23 14:41:26 UTC  

I'm saying I ain't re heating food. Cook it. Eat it then and there.

2019-06-23 15:39:16 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz all positive rights are nonsensical. Especially in a nation of millions where most people aren't close relatives. It implies that someone else has the legal and moral obligation to use their labor to support me, and I must use my labor to support them--and the lazier party always gets the better deal.

The only kinds of rights that make sense are the ones that stop someone else *doing* something to you against your will.

2019-06-23 15:51:17 UTC  

So we should all stop paying taxes?

2019-06-23 15:52:11 UTC  

Less of them, sure. The proper role of government is to ensure that people's negative rights are protected--protection from murder, theft etc.

2019-06-23 15:52:21 UTC  

And the military in a defensive role.

2019-06-23 15:52:39 UTC  

Those require taxes but far less than we have now.

2019-06-23 15:53:43 UTC  

I'm all for paying less taxes, but that's still an obligation for others to support others in the society they live in.

2019-06-23 15:54:26 UTC  

Also, we don't just have negative rights. Free speech for one.

2019-06-23 15:55:41 UTC  

How so? As written in the Constitution, it is a negative right

2019-06-23 15:57:13 UTC  

That is a negative right.

2019-06-23 15:57:24 UTC  

No one is obligated to help you speak.

2019-06-23 15:57:32 UTC  

It hasn't been static, it has been improved over the years since it was written in the Constitution.

2019-06-23 15:57:40 UTC  

They are only obligated to refrain from preventing you from speaking.

2019-06-23 15:58:26 UTC  

Where it really gets murky is the modern social media concept of the digital public square that is owned by private companies.

2019-06-23 15:58:38 UTC  

I'll grant that is a quagmire.

2019-06-23 16:01:17 UTC  

Its the governments job to insure our rights. If they are being eroded it needs to step in to protect them.
To what extent is the problem, i'm not a fan of government intervention if we can avoid it.

2019-06-23 16:02:25 UTC  

I agree, generally. I still maintain that the only rights that are sensible are negative ones, though.

2019-06-23 16:02:59 UTC  

In a *legal* sense.

2019-06-23 16:03:41 UTC  

In a moral-cultural framework there are of course social obligations that basically entail positive rights but those are to be enforced socially, not through law.

2019-06-23 17:53:47 UTC  

Killing hundreds of Iranians in retaliatory raids for the destruction of a drone is a sign of weakness not strength. Change my mind.

2019-06-23 18:00:49 UTC  

What if I don't want to change your mind because you are obviously right?

2019-06-23 18:06:54 UTC  

How about: Should adult transgender people be allowed to undergo surgery? We talk a lot a about individual rights and freedom, but if they are mentally ill they shouldnt be allowed to mutilate themselves, as other mentally ill people are not allowed to do that either. Im split on this as I dont really care what these people do, but if we are convinced that they are mentally ill why dont we treat them like it? Maybe that is the Libertarian Fascist in me.

2019-06-23 18:07:25 UTC  

Well, i did just get done changing your mind (a bit), on something @uncephalized :)

2019-06-23 18:07:40 UTC  

That means i win!

2019-06-23 18:19:13 UTC  

The truth always wins, Shadows.

2019-06-23 18:19:35 UTC  

I wonder how similar transgenderism is to those people that want to lose a limb, or blind themselves or something along those lines. I'm pretty sure that that is considered body dismorphia, same as feeling like you are the wrong sex, but we aren't saying that the only treatment for those people is to let them mutilate themselves.

2019-06-23 18:27:14 UTC  

@uncephalized No one's ever giving me a nickname before, i kind of like it.