Message from @IImploreYouToRemoveYourself

Discord ID: 593869795842064385

2019-06-27 17:21:21 UTC  

Also, here's the thing Hillary didn't support gay marriage till 2008, she called blacks super predators. There's 1 thing you can trust hillary on, she'd lie. So she promise stuff to all the progressives, and do nothing. at worse raise income tax. She's friends with all sorts of Military contractors and hedge funds she wouldn't do that much

2019-06-27 17:21:39 UTC  

The current candidates are ideologues, if they win the progressives will be emboldened

2019-06-27 17:21:49 UTC  

They'll be out for vengence

2019-06-27 17:22:01 UTC  

It doesn't matter who wins in 2020, the progressives are going to riot

2019-06-27 17:22:10 UTC  

Trump wins, we get LA riots fergusson etc

2019-06-27 17:22:34 UTC  

Dem wins, they'll go around beating up white people and people with maga hats night of election and couple days after

2019-06-27 17:23:11 UTC  

"Milkshake them, make them fear showing up in public"

2019-06-27 17:25:09 UTC  

Hillary is evil but she's personally evil she's deep state, I'd go as far to say as the stuff she says these days is simply because she lost. The new candidates they will embolden the progressive base

2019-06-27 17:27:32 UTC  

The difference between these loons and 2016 Hillary, is these loons want you dead, Hillary just wanted you to submit.
And I say this as a never Hillary, but she'd be better at keeping the country together than any of the current Dem candidates, well 2016 Hillary. Any Dem that gets the office in 2020 will destroy the country

2019-06-27 17:28:48 UTC  

If Trump wins 2020 what do you think the potential 2024 Dems will be?

2019-06-27 17:29:01 UTC  

Party will fracture

2019-06-27 17:29:24 UTC  

Progressives will split off, I think "normal" dems will keep the democratic party

2019-06-27 17:32:45 UTC  

Beanie dems will probably reform the democratic party, Justice dems will make something else

2019-06-27 17:32:51 UTC  

Or take over another party

2019-06-27 17:35:23 UTC  

See the Left likes to say how Trump was a revenge move against the Dems. Even the Beanie likes to say how right wing Trump is
None of that is true
Trump was a life long member of the Dems, a New Yorker.
Trump wasn't supposed to win, and Hillary was, he was revenge against the establishment which has largely failed
Tea Party Failed, OWS failed, all these "populist" movements failed it had nothing to do with US definition of right or left

2019-06-27 17:35:29 UTC  

Seems i can't argue why i disagree or i'm just a contrarian.

2019-06-27 17:35:47 UTC  

But if the Dems win 2020 it will be about revenge

2019-06-27 17:35:54 UTC  

Especially for the progressives

2019-06-27 17:36:21 UTC  

Hillary in 2016 had Obama years, so the base wasn't as "passionate"

2019-06-27 18:21:41 UTC  

@IImploreYouToRemoveYourself You might be right, but I currently can't imagine a Democratic Party that isn't tripping over themselves to appeal to the far leftists in their party. I don't think we can say for sure how things would have gone with Hillary in charge. She is a politicaition at her core, and she would probably appeal to them if she could. Possibly push their agenda even more with her presidencial power.

2019-06-27 18:26:32 UTC  

Yes it is difficult, but we do know she's from the Pelosi pool of the Dem's she'd probably say a lot of stuff but wouldn't do it. I mean look at Pelosi she has the progressives wanting to impeach Drumpf and all that, but Pelosi, Pelosi of all people is like, "yeah no" I think the bigger issue is not what Hillary would have done but what say Warren or Harris would do. Because Warren was a war hawk before, and now she's not etc. It's hard to say how far the new brand would go into the progressive pit. But, they've all been more willing to throw their weight behind it, and unlike with 2016 Hillary, if the dems don't live up, they'll eat their own.
I think the ONLY thing we can take as a given is that the progressives will riot, no matter what happens

2019-06-27 18:33:20 UTC  

Pretty much. They are pushing to the left with no resistance from anyone but conservatives and a few moderates (which they ignore). They see all of their left wing pursuits as morally correct, and are following the "right side of history" mentality.

2019-06-27 18:34:09 UTC  

Actually you know what Bernie might be better. Consider this: He gets a bunch of broke people to give him money people that write "I have 120k in college debt but I'm giving $2000 to Bernie because 'fuck the system'" Bernie could say "Okay guys, you get free college, but I need a really big campaign, because the system is rigged against me" "You just have to raise $20 trillion"

2019-06-27 18:36:04 UTC  

The moderate thing is also a big problem of mine, because in this crazy world the Beanie is considered center left, Trump is considered right, etc Trump allowed bump stock ban and considered silencers, the Beanie is in favor of a lot of equity and redistribution stuff. Trump is center right (now) at best, the beanie is left. The dems are communist yet "oh everyone else is just so far to the right"

2019-06-27 18:37:23 UTC  

I agree with everything you have said and have no contentions with any of it.

2019-06-27 18:37:59 UTC  

At this point, I am just waiting for the Democrat party to collapse. The left is going too far and getting dangerous.

2019-06-27 18:48:20 UTC  

You said you disagreed with Hillary 2016 being better than the current Dem Candidates so agreeing with Bernie being better is at least in line with your previous statement

2019-06-27 18:49:24 UTC  

I was being sarcastic, as i am not allowed to disagree.

2019-06-27 18:50:19 UTC  

Anyway, I don't know if we'll be that lucky. The show discussed what will happen if the Dems win, and they'll rig everything to make it happen. Unlikely since so many people are tired of their corruption. But, if they do you'll probably get people to actually leave, forget about protests. Progressives said they'd flee to Canada and mexico. No one did. But, you'll see the rich move over to Switzerland, or Singapore or other countries if the Dem's win

2019-06-27 18:51:36 UTC  

In other words you're being contrarian towards your own opinion because you've imposed some sort of rule on yourself, fair enough, but look at where that got Skag, Youtube won't even ban him

2019-06-27 18:55:58 UTC  

I didn't impose any rules on myself, you did...
Well other then the ones i normally have.

2019-06-27 22:16:02 UTC  

@Shadows if you follow up your statement of "I wholly disagree" with a counterargument/reasons why you disagree, then ppl may not be so quick to call you a contrarian. give them something to work with.

2019-06-28 00:58:21 UTC  

Cam anyone explain to me why Mitch McConnell is a bogeyman to the dems in as few words as possible?

2019-06-28 01:09:27 UTC  

I think they would say he violates/skirts Senate rules to pass Republican bills and abused the rules he now skirts when he was minority leader

2019-06-28 01:10:21 UTC  

Which I can kind of get but they would have to ignore when they did the same thing

2019-06-28 01:13:05 UTC  

call out your own side? never

2019-06-28 01:13:38 UTC  

he's an old white man in charge of something

2019-06-28 01:27:52 UTC  

I think @micamike45 has it. He is evil because he is doing to the Democrats what they did to the Republicans when they were in control. Assuming he's actually doing that, at least. Color me shocked at the realization that people like San Fran Nan and Chucky Schmucky lie.

2019-06-28 01:50:11 UTC  

Because he's cocaine mitch

2019-06-28 02:11:12 UTC  

@IImploreYouToRemoveYourself she would be worse than Tulsi.

Pretty sure most these Dems (Hillary included) would have started WW3 by bombing the shit out of Iran by now

2019-06-28 03:01:59 UTC  

@Big T
No, @Shadows is just a contrairian. Tell him the sky's blue, he'll find a cloud.