Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 596150327640719371

2019-07-03 20:07:56 UTC  

All I know is he's obsessed with them

2019-07-03 20:07:56 UTC  

I really have no GD clue

2019-07-03 20:10:19 UTC  

I will just keep fighting to have the practice banned for any one under the age of consent as an adult.

2019-07-03 21:05:38 UTC  

Circumcised penis's are less disgusting to look at. Therefore, everyone should be circumcised.

2019-07-03 21:19:17 UTC  

Wonderful joke @DJ_Anuz

2019-07-04 00:12:14 UTC  

Circumcised penis are more aerodynamic, its all about efficiency

2019-07-04 01:11:37 UTC  

Let me put it another way. Is removal of the clitoral hood mutilation? @Clive

2019-07-04 01:13:24 UTC  

Also, "mutilate: 1) to cut up or alter radically so as to make imperfect 2) to cut off or permanently destroy a limb or essential part of"

2019-07-04 01:14:01 UTC  

Both of those definitions (from Webster) fit infant circumcision

2019-07-04 01:16:03 UTC  

Of both girls *and* boys, to be clear.

2019-07-04 01:17:13 UTC  

@uncephalized what if it's to cut up or alter so as to make perfect?

2019-07-04 01:17:35 UTC  

There's no debate here if you wanr your dick looking like Jewish dick go ahead

2019-07-04 01:20:00 UTC  

Do whatever you want to your *own* dick @DJ_Anuz just keep the scalpel away from innocent children.

2019-07-04 01:20:29 UTC  

I don't care about it being a jewish thing, i care about damaging healthy infants.

2019-07-04 01:22:56 UTC  

Doesn't FGM remove/disable the whole clitoris though? I don't think that's equivalent, it would be more like chopping off the whole head

2019-07-04 01:25:25 UTC  

FGM is like 4 different things

2019-07-04 01:26:41 UTC  

Most FGM isn't the worst procedure that can be done. As well, do you know how much damage circumcision does? @micamike45

2019-07-04 01:28:02 UTC  

Idk. My penis seems fine.

2019-07-04 01:28:10 UTC  

That's good.

2019-07-04 01:28:28 UTC  

I mean, they still work apparently

2019-07-04 01:28:34 UTC  


2019-07-04 01:28:39 UTC  

And I don't know of any instances where circumcision has resulted in a damaged penis.

2019-07-04 01:28:49 UTC  

Other than freak cases

2019-07-04 01:29:05 UTC  

Do uncircumsized men get super orgasms or something?

2019-07-04 01:29:23 UTC  

Guess i'll repost something in case you haven't seen.

2019-07-04 01:29:49 UTC  

Many might not care, but will still bring this up. For those who still argue for circumcision (or maybe even those who don't care).
Circumcision started as an effort to controlling male sexuality (small video about that) and nothing to do with "health" (outside of when its medically necessary), this has only come in to discussion in an attempt to justify a terrible practice. Any "benefit" people will point to for this practice can easily be dealt with from normal care. MGM is no different then FGM (and most times worst).
This has a lot of studies and links about the topic.
And here are some videos about the issue

I could bring up more links and videos about this topic, but many may find this issue annoying or not worth their time. But this is still a big issue that effects mostly men/boys around the world (and some women). Feel free not to care, and i won't tell you to not say what you want, but maybe check out a video from Karan on the topic if you wish to downplay this issue

2019-07-04 01:39:10 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz "I don't know of any instances where circumcision has resulted in a damaged penis." Aside from the fact that it is damage by its very nature, botched circumcisions can and do occur and can result in complete loss of function or even amputation of the entire organ.

2019-07-04 01:41:06 UTC  

And yes, uncircumsized penises do "work better"--the foreskin is self-lubricating, making both masturbation and intercourse easier for both partners. Both premature ejaculation *and* difficulty climaxing are less common in intact men.

2019-07-04 01:41:32 UTC  

I haven't seen all of those, but the remarks about suicide seem to coincide with getting circumcised after they reach maturity. I don't see a drastic increase in suicide rates between cultures that circumcise at birth, and those that don't.

As for the remarks about circumcision being for controlling male sexuality, who cares what a few philosophers on the matter say about it? The practice occurred well before they came about.

Having been circumcised, and being the horny bastard that I am, I haven't experienced any diminishment in my sex drive, nor the other circumcised men I know.

That doesn't mean that it doesn't reduce sexual stimulation, but if Jews, Muslims, or Christians wish to cut off the foreskin, I don't want governments telling them they can't.

@uncephalized In a quick google search I found that botched circumcisions usually occur when they are done after maturity is met, and in underdeveloped nations.

2019-07-04 01:41:33 UTC  

Also, the foreskin takes up volume so the circumcision literally made your dick smaller.

2019-07-04 01:42:03 UTC  

@uncephalized In my case, that's probably a good thing.

2019-07-04 01:42:38 UTC  

You don't have to defend the practice just because you are not intact. I'm circumsized too.

2019-07-04 01:43:19 UTC  

@uncephalized Its understandable for people to do so, if they don't notice anything wrong. It is less of a problem for a person.

2019-07-04 01:44:41 UTC  

I'm not calling myself a cripple, I don't have any real problems because of it, but if I could go back in time and tell my parents *not* to let a doctor strap me down to a board and perform unnecessary surgery on my newborn genitals without anesthesia while I screamed in pain and fear, making one of my earliest experiences one of terror, betrayal and suffering, yeah, you bet I would.

2019-07-04 01:44:50 UTC  

I just don't see it as that damaging of a practice if done properly. I most likely won't circumcise my children, I just don't see it as such a damaging practice in the west that parents who opt to should be criticized.

2019-07-04 01:45:10 UTC  

Unless they're intentionally trying to inflict pain.

2019-07-04 01:45:16 UTC  

You've never watched a circumcision procedure have you DJ?

2019-07-04 01:45:34 UTC  

"Lower satisfaction with one’s circumcision status—but not men’s actual circumcision status—was associated with worse body image and
sexual functioning" Being angry about it is the cause of the problems according to this study they tried to spin

2019-07-04 01:46:48 UTC  

I don't even care *that* much about the long-term ramifications. Just learn about how the surgery works. It's horrific torture and they do it to newborn boys *with no anesthetic*

2019-07-04 01:48:34 UTC  

In all fairness, no newborn remembers it.

I had a friend that got the chickenpox to grow under his foreskin, and I tell you what, that left him scarred a whole lot more than circumcision would have.

2019-07-04 01:48:36 UTC  

I'm not sure none of you here know how terrible it is to do this (well some might).