Message from @Louis Carlos Fer

Discord ID: 625890288040280100

2019-09-24 02:47:20 UTC  

Are you talking to me? Why are you mad?

2019-09-24 02:49:24 UTC  

He was born in the mad, molded by it. He didn't see calm till he was already a man

2019-09-24 02:49:57 UTC  

The thing he posted agrees with what I said. 1 percent chance in a given year =/= occurs at 100 year intervals.

2019-09-24 02:54:45 UTC  


2019-09-24 02:54:50 UTC  

hey guys I can math

2019-09-24 02:55:16 UTC  

¿What is this *"calm"* you speak of? It strikes me as a four-letter word...

2019-09-24 02:55:30 UTC  

But a one percent chance every year doesn't like stack or some shit. You could go every year for a thousand years and never roll a 1 so to speak

2019-09-24 02:56:18 UTC  

I mean over the very long term, it should *average* to 100 years per flood, but the chance that there will be one in any given 100 year period is only like 65%.

2019-09-24 02:56:20 UTC  

And you can go three years and hit natural 1 all of them... So there's that.

2019-09-24 02:56:44 UTC  

And *"Peace"* is a dirty word.

2019-09-24 02:57:17 UTC  

Screenshot that... BTW, Mark owes you a small thank you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

2019-09-24 02:58:33 UTC  

63.4% according to my quick calculation...

1 - (0.99^100) = 0.634

2019-09-24 02:58:49 UTC  

Probability is weird.

2019-09-24 03:00:46 UTC  

Anyways... The point is, even with his gross underestimatation (we've had 5 civil wars so far, we only CALL one of them a civil war), we are currently overdue for a crisis.

2019-09-24 03:01:13 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:01:14 UTC  

What are the other four?

2019-09-24 03:03:00 UTC  

That I can see, but what were the others O___o

2019-09-24 03:03:10 UTC  

The Baltimore riots were another one I can _maybe_ see

2019-09-24 03:04:33 UTC  

Maybe he's counting the uprising in... I wanna say Athens?

2019-09-24 03:05:02 UTC  

lil town, rigging their elections, townsfolk didn't like that so much, rooty tooty point and shooty occured

2019-09-24 03:06:15 UTC  

@Deleted User
Whiskey/Shay's Rebellion, Unionization Wars (when a ***BOMBER*** is part of the *"protest," it's a war*), McMinn County War (Louis got one), and the Westward Wars (railmen v. farmers, cattlemen v. sheepherders [and each other], etc.).

2019-09-24 03:07:41 UTC  

I've previously heard of exactly *one* of those

2019-09-24 03:09:11 UTC  

Remember, *'civil war'* means the people against each other, be it directly or by proxy (the government). The English Civil War didn't involve the Crown until the last couple years... At which point it was going 2Ø-ish years.
SPADER, the McMinn County War is also known as The Battle Of Athens... So 2...

2019-09-24 03:12:40 UTC  

it was the Whiskey rebellion I knew of

2019-09-24 03:12:49 UTC  

got a patch with the flag and everything

2019-09-24 03:17:18 UTC  

Doesn't war need to be declared for it to be war?

2019-09-24 03:29:12 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:29:27 UTC  

we haven't declared war on a country since 1941

2019-09-24 03:32:36 UTC  

I dont mean via Congress. I just mean in general. Meta

2019-09-24 03:39:50 UTC  

Guess it depends how you define war

2019-09-24 03:40:06 UTC  

If you're a filthy socialist just existing with more than someone else is war

2019-09-24 03:40:36 UTC  

Well you can't declare battle on someone, you can't declare a skirmish, you can't declare a kerfuffle.

2019-09-24 03:46:08 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:46:19 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:46:35 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:48:45 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:48:52 UTC  


2019-09-24 04:09:47 UTC  

Viet Nam was never declared... Nor was Korean for that matter...
But ¿who cares about all that right? They weren't *real* wars...

2019-09-24 05:33:18 UTC  

Virgin Police Action vs Chad Declared War