Message from @Tatsumaki

Discord ID: 347572646998835210

2017-08-17 02:18:55 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!251171960355160065>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 02:28:02 UTC  

Show ending at eleven thirty tonight?

2017-08-17 02:30:16 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @Layer0! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 02:32:33 UTC  

Hi all, Matt Montana did vote for Hilary

2017-08-17 02:34:04 UTC  

In the primary or general?

2017-08-17 02:34:41 UTC  

was totally there

2017-08-17 02:34:42 UTC  


2017-08-17 02:34:49 UTC  

2017-08-17 02:35:25 UTC  

Montana is an open primary.

2017-08-17 02:36:09 UTC  

Matt I'm here

2017-08-17 02:37:23 UTC  

My county didn't 😄

2017-08-17 02:38:07 UTC  

Canada will give you trudeau if you want him 😉 i'll take any conservative leader from there. anyone is better than him

2017-08-17 02:39:17 UTC  

trade us trudeau for bieber you might have a deal.

2017-08-17 02:39:49 UTC  

bieber is minor comparitively

2017-08-17 02:40:06 UTC  

at least he doesn't show off his socks

2017-08-17 02:40:08 UTC  

I know a lot of oil works from Canada and that problem might not matter soon

2017-08-17 02:41:03 UTC  

oil is going down down down.

2017-08-17 02:42:15 UTC  

Its sad because it is starting to pick up in North Dakota.

2017-08-17 02:43:05 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!347570795767398400>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 02:43:08 UTC  

Funny thing it's picking up in Alberta finally but NO ONE wants to work the rigs because there is no benefit to it like there was before. They can make the same at a delivery job and be home in the evening and weekend with their family at the moment. there used to be soooo many benefits. I know cause my hubby was on the rigs till he got laid off Mar 2016. He just finally got a job as a carpenter in training a couple months ago

2017-08-17 02:49:36 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @Occam's Router! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 02:56:14 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!347202356921761793>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 02:58:15 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!347202356921761793>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 03:11:42 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!230266080336150531>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 04:03:36 UTC  

A little historical context for you all.

In the Weimar Republic, there were two fairly large parties gaining power. The Communist Party of Germany and that National Socialist German Workers Party. Both engaged in political violence and both were rather intimidating to the average German normie and, more importantly in this case, the German media. As both parties gained a larger following, the political center in Germany began to collapse. The majority of the media chose a side to back that they assumed would impact them the least negatively. The lesser of two evils. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists. With far more positive media coverage towards the NSDAP, they fairly quickly became the one of the largest parties in Germany, Hitler was named Chancellor, and well... you know the rest.

Can you see the parallel, or to be more accurate, the perpendicular? The media is doing the same thing now that they did then. Except this time it's reversed. The media is more than happy to call out the evils of racial collectivism and Fascism, but they largely ignore and even sometimes give positive coverage to the violent Communist and Socialist side of this equation. Go watch the streams from the Unite the Right rally. Most of the violence was, in fact, initiated by the Anti Fascists throwing bottles of piss, rocks, pepper spray, ect. The usual shit.

President Trump actually did the right thing in this case. He did what a leader should do. He called out political violence and hatred ON ALL SIDES. Because ALL SIDES WERE INVOLVED and ALL SIDES WERE TO BLAME. And what did he get for it? Some of the most negative press coverage of his Presidency so far. 24/7 media coverage lambasting him for not condemning "the evils of white nationalism." He did. He condemned the Alt Right and Antifa like any sane person would. But we live in a post-fact world now.

Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. The media deserves Nazism and Communism imo.

2017-08-17 04:03:51 UTC  

comment I found on a recent YT video.

2017-08-17 11:28:03 UTC  

Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @llewlem888! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.

2017-08-17 12:24:10 UTC  

Look out for a Discord user by the name of "Kazuto Kirigia " with the tag #2169 . He is going around sending friend requests to random Discord users, and those who accept his friend requests will have their accounts DDoSed and their groups exposed with the members inside it becoming a victim aswell. Spread the word and send this to as many discord servers as you can. If you see this user, DO NOT accept his friend request and immediately block him.
Our team is currently working very hard to remove this user from our database, please stay safe.

-Discord team @everyone
Copy and paste this to all of the servers you are in

2017-08-17 12:24:51 UTC  

Fucking Kirito ruining shit yet again

2017-08-18 19:52:37 UTC  

Damn, again?

2017-08-18 23:38:00 UTC  

Boston will have a Free Speech Rally in a few hours. KKK and Antifa are expected to show up.

2017-08-18 23:38:05 UTC  

Just another day in Weimerica.

2017-08-18 23:40:16 UTC  

Ha I like that--"Weimerica." Did you coin that?

2017-08-19 00:39:50 UTC  

It's something that some people in alt-right circles have said on Facebook before. It arose shortly after the Berkeley Riots in February. There was even a daily caller piece called Weimerica.

2017-08-20 06:51:30 UTC  

Russia! Russia! Trump! Trump!

Did Venezuela just manage to fall and go under?
Do we glimpse the reality of socialist blunder?
How many lives were tied to the price at the pump?
Who cares, doesn’t matter, Russia! Russia! Trump! Trump!

Did Hillary Clinton, and all of her doters
Simply disfranchise half her party’s voters?
Was she nominated by superdelegates, and not at the stump?
Do not speak of such things! Russia! Russia! Trump! Trump!

Are millions of humanities majors finding it enjoyable
That after four or more years, they’re barely employable?
Are we breeding angry mobs, all ready to jump?
Don’t worry, doesn’t matter, Russia! Russia! Trump! Trump!

Are we seeing the end of West Europe’s nations
Divided and scared, and crushed by migrations?
Will Paris, in a few years, be no more than a dump?
Do not talk about that! Russia! Russia! Trump! Trump!

Are assaults in Europe astronomically rising?
Do officials admit it’s no longer surprising?
Did Merkel hate girls, or was she just a chump?
Wait, look over there.. Russia! Russia! Trump! Trump!

Is modern day genocide a bit of a bummer?
Are five million Afrikaners living out their last summer?
No, forget about this, and don’t be a grump..
Stop listening, start shouting, RUSSIA! RUSSIA! TRUMP! TRUMP!

2017-08-21 06:45:18 UTC  

Please don't tag Matt or Blonde.

2017-08-22 02:23:37 UTC  

@Mideast Unspun that rap/song is fucking amazing. Is it yours?

2017-08-22 02:30:13 UTC  

thanks! I wrote the "Russia Russia Trump Trump" poem above, if that's what you mean. Hoping people might want to add their own stanzas, or pass it around. But if someone has posted a rap video somewhere or something, I can't take any credit 😃

2017-08-22 02:32:21 UTC  

@Mideast Unspun If its cool with you I might just rap it for my Instagram. Its fucking awesome man. Props to you.

2017-08-22 02:36:06 UTC  

@prolillg definitely cool! for my 2 cents anyone can modify / re-monetize or whatever they wanna do. I'd love to have the link when you've uploaded, just for fun, if you could share it to me here or on Minds - Thanks!

2017-08-22 07:03:18 UTC  

There's a whole lotta revionist history going round