Message from @wolfman1911

Discord ID: 506078024794374164

2018-10-28 05:42:32 UTC  

what did they censor now?

2018-10-28 05:56:26 UTC  

They censored lolis off Gab a little bit ago (enjoy it or not). I don't even use Gab but i hate censorship.

2018-10-28 05:56:41 UTC  

where is Gab located?

2018-10-28 05:57:17 UTC  

oh apparently they're American

2018-10-28 05:57:20 UTC  

so yeah no real excuse

2018-10-28 05:57:32 UTC  

was gonna say, a lot of countries have outlawed lolishit

2018-10-28 06:05:48 UTC  

There was a thing I saw, I don't remember who, saying that it was from the perspective of limiting the things they can be called.

2018-10-28 06:08:40 UTC  

That's what twitter and Youtube started doing (a long time ago), Gab said they weren't going to do that and stand for peoples freedoms. Well, unless its something they don't like it seems.

2018-10-28 10:10:28 UTC  

I'm pretty pro immigration, and Blonde's newest video is the *first* arguments that have actually made me think

2018-10-28 10:14:28 UTC  

(watching it right now)

2018-10-28 10:18:07 UTC  

Well, until she called me *evil* for supporting immigration

2018-10-28 10:18:15 UTC  

Holy hell Blonde

2018-10-28 12:07:28 UTC  

Did blonde backtrack on her comments regarding Peterson? I stopped listening the past couple weeks because that was the most alt right bullshit ive heard come from her mouth. Feel bad not listening to matt, but I can’t listen to someone say that someone else who put their career on the line for 2 years straight in defense of western values is ‘no use to us anymore’ because he made some ill informed tweets

2018-10-28 12:08:48 UTC  

Unsubbed her after 2 years of following as well

2018-10-28 12:09:04 UTC  

Not playing these ideological games

2018-10-28 12:10:11 UTC  

Ironic that you put it that way, because that's pretty much what he did.

2018-10-28 12:10:37 UTC  


2018-10-28 12:11:37 UTC  

It was in the context of a string of like a hundred tweets iirc and he later admitted it wasn’t a good idea to tweet that

2018-10-28 12:12:07 UTC  

But did he do that because it was a bad idea to tweet it, or because of the backlash?

2018-10-28 12:12:59 UTC  

He’s a Canadian psychologist looking into american politics and making bad judgements i admit

2018-10-28 12:13:23 UTC  

The idea that someone who has faced that kind of persecution themselves would suggest that we, in effect, throw someone in a similar situation to the wolves is a pretty big betrayal, and it doesn't get made all better by him saying 'lol, jk, sorry.'

2018-10-28 12:14:19 UTC  

You also can't claim to be for western values and preach what amounts to gnosticism

2018-10-28 12:15:41 UTC  

Cause you would know. Arent you still a teenager?

2018-10-28 12:17:46 UTC  

Regardless of what you all think of Peterson, I’d rather take his side than agree with blondes horseshoe bullshit

2018-10-28 12:17:54 UTC  

Who is that addressed to?

2018-10-28 12:18:52 UTC  

Constantine trying to undermine all of Peterson’s work with a casual comment even though he’s basically a kid

2018-10-28 12:19:58 UTC  

I wont claim to be for ‘your’ version of western values then

2018-10-28 12:20:00 UTC  

He's not wrong about it though. Peterson was always at his weakest when the topic veered too close to anything religious.

2018-10-28 12:20:51 UTC  

I won't tolerate heresy from Peterson or anyone else

2018-10-28 12:21:18 UTC  


2018-10-28 12:53:56 UTC  

I'm not entirely sure where the similarities are between the Peterson-Kavanaugh situation. I mean if you look at the 1 sentence prompt of being demanded to step down because of the outrage mob, sure. I get it. Then you look at the Tale of the Tape and you see where the dynamics change. Peterson: University professor, Social Engagement with him is optional, and was put on the chopping block because of protest of an upcoming (now on-the-books) law. Kavanaugh: (at the time, aspiring to be) Supreme Court Justice, Social Engagement with him is mandatory due to the nature of his government position), and was put on the chopping block based on an accusation that can neither be proven nor disproven (I still believe she's lying but I can't provide evidence to support that). The nature of their societal position as well as the reason they were demanded to be crucified are not the same by any means. I understand and agree that Peterson's probably in the wrong here. I don't think it's unreasonable to see that he does address a valid concern and mind you that this was on Twitter. Find me a well-thought out political position on Twitter and after that, by me a lottery ticket.

2018-10-28 13:15:34 UTC  

Well, I can see how Peterson could rationalize the comment. Getting Bret to resign would placate the left, but that wouldn’t mean they won the Supreme Court position. Trump could have nominated another constitutionalist and voted that person in. Peterson’s tweet may have been to try and keep the left at bay. I’ll admit that it’s a chamberlain like approach, but it’s still a strategy. Some people raised concerns about Bret because of his previous views that probably violate the 4th amendment (the patriot act I think). That’s something to think about.

2018-10-28 15:42:15 UTC  

Morning all!

2018-10-28 15:51:31 UTC  


2018-10-28 16:19:08 UTC  

Chilling before football starts

2018-10-28 16:49:16 UTC  

Watching the Browns game?

2018-10-28 16:50:42 UTC  


2018-10-28 16:50:52 UTC  

But not a Browns fan

2018-10-28 16:51:20 UTC  

You can placate the Left by never giving an inch and beating them.

2018-10-28 16:51:43 UTC  

You can't placate them by giving them victory after victory when their arguments are lies and slander

2018-10-28 16:54:45 UTC  

Much like the Browns