Message from @Saint

Discord ID: 523954846160650264

2018-12-16 19:46:02 UTC  

He heard my brother mention to a waitress in conversation that I was dating a black girl

2018-12-16 19:49:24 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:49:45 UTC  

I’ve literally never met one of these people

2018-12-16 19:49:57 UTC  

Do they only exist out west?

2018-12-16 19:51:17 UTC  

Not really I think he was initiated in prison that's the only place they really have a presence as far as I know

2018-12-16 19:53:42 UTC  

yeah that wouldn't surprise me

2018-12-16 19:53:45 UTC  

that seems to be a thing still

2018-12-16 19:56:07 UTC  

Any one play PUBG mobile I need a partner

2018-12-16 19:56:27 UTC  

i play the pc game

2018-12-16 19:58:33 UTC  

@Saint We know you need a partner, but its hard finding one on PUBG :)

2018-12-16 19:58:48 UTC  

I'm out on the road so I can't play it on PC or else I would

2018-12-16 19:59:02 UTC  

@Shadows are you hitting on me?

2018-12-16 19:59:09 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:59:26 UTC  

there's a "Matt and I once made love" joke in here somewhere

2018-12-16 20:07:13 UTC  

@Saint Looking back at comments, i don't tell people who they can choose to be with.
I never found lesbian porn hot (other then yes, more nice looking women). But most lesbians just make me sad because they are never as satisfied with the sex as much as if it would be with a man, and just as bad is all they do is try to engage in sex like there is a man there (using dildos/strap-ons).

2018-12-16 20:08:19 UTC  

Oh I agree I was just making a weeb joke

2018-12-16 20:08:28 UTC  

I also don't think lesbians are even a real thing, as if a man were to describe everything that lesbians do, we would still count them as virgins lol

2018-12-16 20:08:54 UTC  

@Saint Oh i know heh, i was just bringing up a different point.

2018-12-16 20:08:56 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat and I ALWAYS tell people who they can and can't be with. Jk 🙂

2018-12-16 20:09:16 UTC  

This is also true with gay men in the sense that they dont have traditional sex @Shadows

2018-12-16 20:09:29 UTC  

Way to dodge the question by the way

2018-12-16 20:09:58 UTC  

The hitting on you question? or a different one.

2018-12-16 20:10:06 UTC  
2018-12-16 20:10:28 UTC  

Yeah but the joke is stale now you left it out to long @Shadows

2018-12-16 20:10:34 UTC  

@Saint sodomites aren’t virgins

2018-12-16 20:11:06 UTC  

Biblically yes but scientifically no @Salacious Swanky Cat

2018-12-16 20:11:16 UTC  

@Saint Oh no, i would absolutely hit on you!

2018-12-16 20:11:23 UTC  

If i could find the right bat

2018-12-16 20:11:37 UTC  

*gay bashing joke*

2018-12-16 20:11:49 UTC  

You know beating up a saint is a sin right

2018-12-16 20:11:57 UTC  


2018-12-16 20:13:28 UTC  

@Saint are blowjobs sex?

2018-12-16 20:14:12 UTC  

@Saint science tells us this? Isn't that begging the question though? 🙂

2018-12-16 20:14:30 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat BJs are a sex act, but not sex.

2018-12-16 20:14:36 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat sex is only between a beenis and bergina

2018-12-16 20:14:52 UTC  


2018-12-16 20:15:01 UTC  

If you define sex as sexual intercourse between a man and a woman that is capable of producing human offspring than no @Salacious Swanky Cat

2018-12-16 20:15:07 UTC  

Roosh has me saying beenis instead of penis lol

2018-12-16 20:15:08 UTC  

>just make me sad because they are never as satisfied with the sex as much as if it would be with a man

2018-12-16 20:15:15 UTC  

What fresh hell is this

2018-12-16 20:15:40 UTC  

A true statement.