Message from @A Cup Of Covfefe

Discord ID: 523947453008052226

2018-12-16 19:32:20 UTC  

or alt right

2018-12-16 19:32:23 UTC  

Well nowadays half the population is a nazi.

2018-12-16 19:32:23 UTC  

I had this debate not that long ago

2018-12-16 19:32:31 UTC  

what even IS the alt right?

2018-12-16 19:32:42 UTC  

because this guy I was debating told me the alt right was "Just left of nazis"

2018-12-16 19:32:45 UTC  

wtf does that mean

2018-12-16 19:32:53 UTC  

@A Cup Of Covfefe basically people who want an ethnostate.

2018-12-16 19:32:59 UTC  

Anyone the neo-bolsheviks don't like

2018-12-16 19:33:12 UTC  
2018-12-16 19:35:04 UTC  

@A Cup Of Covfefe the alt right aren’t that much different than the progressives in terms of what they believe. They both have the same foundational information, but want to do different things with the information

2018-12-16 19:35:39 UTC  

Yeah, Horseshoe theory jazz

2018-12-16 19:36:47 UTC  

moving to NYC has driven me further right. I don't know how people here can be so blissfully ignorant of their surroundings

2018-12-16 19:36:48 UTC  

it's crazy

2018-12-16 19:37:20 UTC  

What's his fuck Spencer is damn near a full on socialist

2018-12-16 19:38:40 UTC  

@Saint to some extent yes. He wants to implement the same type of social democracy in the Scandinavian countries with a white ethnostate.

2018-12-16 19:38:54 UTC  

The alt right is a group that believes everything the communists say is good but will only work with a pure white society. Welfare state, state run healthcare, socialized businesses. It’s all good to the alt right but it only works when there’s nothing but huwhites

2018-12-16 19:39:22 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:39:24 UTC  

Most of the alt right are just racially aware socialists

2018-12-16 19:39:46 UTC  

It's just welfare state for wypepo

2018-12-16 19:39:58 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:40:07 UTC  

I hear that so often and a part of me dies

2018-12-16 19:40:28 UTC  

White people be like *builds civilization*

2018-12-16 19:41:54 UTC  

While black people be like *sets building on fire while live streaming*

2018-12-16 19:43:38 UTC  

I prefer darker women sooooo...... I can never join the ethno party

2018-12-16 19:43:58 UTC  

Meh, we'll keep the Italians around

2018-12-16 19:44:11 UTC  

Matter of fact one told me he would kill me if he ever met me

2018-12-16 19:44:32 UTC  

Probably a Fed if I had to guess

2018-12-16 19:45:34 UTC  

Nope one of the cooks my brother used to work with was a full on tatted up white power nazi

2018-12-16 19:46:02 UTC  

He heard my brother mention to a waitress in conversation that I was dating a black girl

2018-12-16 19:49:24 UTC  


2018-12-16 19:49:45 UTC  

I’ve literally never met one of these people

2018-12-16 19:49:57 UTC  

Do they only exist out west?

2018-12-16 19:51:17 UTC  

Not really I think he was initiated in prison that's the only place they really have a presence as far as I know

2018-12-16 19:53:42 UTC  

yeah that wouldn't surprise me

2018-12-16 19:53:45 UTC  

that seems to be a thing still

2018-12-16 19:56:07 UTC  

Any one play PUBG mobile I need a partner

2018-12-16 19:56:27 UTC  

i play the pc game

2018-12-16 19:58:33 UTC  

@Saint We know you need a partner, but its hard finding one on PUBG :)

2018-12-16 19:58:48 UTC  

I'm out on the road so I can't play it on PC or else I would

2018-12-16 19:59:02 UTC  

@Shadows are you hitting on me?

2018-12-16 19:59:09 UTC  
