Message from @ArsSanctum

Discord ID: 536665726921080853

2019-01-20 18:54:26 UTC  

I don't know what I can possibly expect either, but... wishful thinking

2019-01-20 18:54:52 UTC  

they're just goading us into retaliation, which isnt something normal people are going to rise to just yet

2019-01-20 18:54:59 UTC  

firing everyone who reported the bullshit narrative would be a start. and i'm usually against firing people

2019-01-20 19:01:01 UTC  

yeah, some manager somewhere growing a spine and firing some unethical journalists would be a good start. But I don't actually expect that to happen, especially with how long this kind of thing has been happening

2019-01-20 19:02:47 UTC  

but even then, most of the craziness is coming from randos on Twitter, and I don't expect them to get banned for threatening kids

2019-01-20 19:03:41 UTC  

randos on twitter are uninportant. the problem is that a whole lot of those randos have that blue checkmark to signal that they are idiots

2019-01-20 19:06:56 UTC  

Yeah I saw some people on the right try to virtue signal on the backs of these kids

2019-01-20 19:07:03 UTC  

Which is just as scummy

2019-01-20 21:54:00 UTC  

Basically some private school kids do some stuff, see some new dudes, who come and chant with/at them.
All goes well until ones says slowly hand loudly “SORRY TONTO. I’m all out of loose change. And beer!”

2019-01-20 21:55:37 UTC  

Ok, I made the last bit up. Basically they got grinned at by some preppy dudes, and between their ancestors and the Nation of Islam (or whoever those guys were...)

2019-01-20 21:55:38 UTC  

Really? Someone said that? Lol

2019-01-20 21:55:45 UTC  


2019-01-20 21:56:11 UTC  

I like how the nation of islam’s homophobia is completely ignored

2019-01-20 21:56:14 UTC  

Nah, they grinned and sniggered but my version is funnier🤣👹

2019-01-20 21:56:47 UTC  

it was the Black Israelites, not nation of islam

2019-01-20 21:57:02 UTC  


2019-01-20 21:57:04 UTC  

these guys

2019-01-20 21:57:08 UTC  

I get them confused - you are of course correct

2019-01-20 21:57:47 UTC  

I wonder if the Black Israelites, Hoteps, and Nation of Islam ever get in a 3 way brawl to determine who the true black ancestors were

2019-01-20 21:58:00 UTC  


2019-01-20 21:58:33 UTC  

And the KKK infiltrator wins🤣🤔

2019-01-20 22:02:34 UTC  

I will arm the Israelis.

2019-01-20 22:03:03 UTC  

They all look alike to me @Railingo

2019-01-20 22:03:35 UTC  

It's not how they look that matters to me it's the ideals.

2019-01-20 22:04:11 UTC  

For those of you curious about the black Israelites

2019-01-20 22:05:22 UTC  

CNN reported the black hebrew israelites as

2019-01-20 22:05:29 UTC  

"young black people preaching about the bible"

2019-01-20 22:10:23 UTC  

I can see we would have some in common, but there would be major theological differences. Even more so then Christians have with Orthodox Jews.

2019-01-20 22:13:49 UTC  

CNN is fake news.

2019-01-20 22:15:23 UTC  


2019-01-20 23:07:16 UTC  

Good, he's going to cover it. Based Matt

2019-01-20 23:18:59 UTC  

I'm glad he's also mentioning the Buzzfeed report, because this mess has let it slip under the radar a bit

2019-01-20 23:20:41 UTC  

It’s getting to the point where I just throw “It’s not the case that...” in front of every mainstream media headline I see

2019-01-20 23:33:29 UTC  


2019-01-20 23:33:33 UTC  

And yeah, agreed

2019-01-20 23:33:39 UTC  

Buzzfeed kinda got off the hook because of this

2019-01-20 23:33:47 UTC  

When they flat-out lied

2019-01-20 23:34:23 UTC  

Jake Tapper was "ok" on the subject of the CovCath kids but he was horrible on the Buzzfeed issue

2019-01-20 23:35:02 UTC  

I generally trust people as far as I can throw them...