Message from @Nic Harvard

Discord ID: 537006913804697615

2019-01-21 13:26:10 UTC  

Kind of like going “my kids don’t exist or are not here, but if they were and I wasn’t, this is how I Hope their mates act”

2019-01-21 13:26:23 UTC  

^^ and absolutely

2019-01-21 13:28:29 UTC  

It all comes back to the Greek plants tree's proverb.

2019-01-21 13:28:52 UTC  

What was you unit Nic?

2019-01-21 13:28:55 UTC  

Well, yes, that’s one great example

2019-01-21 13:30:57 UTC  

SADF, signals core, cpt, varied units and roles. From group and bttn sigs Officer to regimental signaller instructor/CO, to LRPs/FOBs

2019-01-21 13:36:56 UTC  

Anyway, it pretty much comes down to figuring out if a trait benefits your family. If it does, it’s positive.
Screw anyone else who gets in a snit.
If it stops you from starting one, or looking after it (OR IT’s SURROGATE) then it’s toxic

2019-01-21 13:39:19 UTC  

Just add the fact that throughout history, a fair proportion of people have not been able to have kids of their own.... bit of a “Eureka!” Moment there.... I mean, not many people have been burnt at the stake for being childless

2019-01-21 13:40:21 UTC  

Although a distressing large number of those doing such burnings do appear to have been.

2019-01-21 13:59:41 UTC  


2019-01-21 14:23:46 UTC  

A good deal if what you said Nic does not work.

2019-01-21 14:34:51 UTC  

We don't have a 3rd sex, and being physically intimidating and threatening isn't in itself toxic, neither is being controlling. These come down to how people use them (and yes i know you said, "for your own benefit", but that still wouldn't make it inherently toxic).

2019-01-21 15:03:30 UTC  

We have neuters surely? And always have

2019-01-21 15:06:36 UTC  

Observe the cunning way the evil pro-life witch gaslights hubby after things got a bit too frisky with Ahmed, and things went a bit too full frontal for once...

2019-01-21 15:07:13 UTC  

Probably has a pre-nup and he’s loaded

2019-01-21 15:09:48 UTC  

I'm not sure why you call people neuters, but that's cool.
So what you seem to class as neuters, this still does not make a 3rd sex.

2019-01-21 15:13:35 UTC  

It would be like calling an Asexual another sex (if they are real), some how playing a role in passing on genes. But they wont......So they aren't another sex.

2019-01-21 15:18:59 UTC  

And haven't you heard? A fully white couple can have black babies.............
Gender and Race are just social constructs.

2019-01-21 20:30:03 UTC  

Dude... that was my link and the point

2019-01-21 20:33:45 UTC  

Chick got preggers with someone else’s kid.... path of least reassurance/resist?

2019-01-21 20:44:26 UTC  

In other news, the Ben Shapiro Show won best news podcast of the year at the iHeart Radio podcast awards. Not a huge deal, but at least it shows someone on the right getting national recognition from a mainstream outlet.
Also, it give Matt and Blonde a good target to shoot for 😁😁😁 lol

2019-01-21 22:08:07 UTC  

I think it is more to do with fewer choices on the right. on the left you have hundreds of news choices , but on the right? names how many podcasts we have? how many are run by people who don't advertise for old folks homes?

2019-01-22 00:27:09 UTC  

Also Ben Shapiro is a huge shill for the GOP establishment so he's not really a good ally except on the most extreme issues (transgenderism, etc)

2019-01-22 00:43:02 UTC  

he is a moderately more Conservative bill kristol.

2019-01-22 00:49:48 UTC  

Yep. He seems popular because he represents the losing-with-dignity crowd that Leftists love so much

2019-01-22 01:09:50 UTC  

@wail he's not a good ally for whom?

2019-01-22 01:35:58 UTC  

My gf last night tried to convince me that there are lots of right leaning media outlets here in Australia for her to watch and get right wing ideas and ideology

2019-01-22 01:36:02 UTC  

Have you guys listened to Shapiro much? I stopped listening to Rush because he moved more populist, and I picked up Ben because he is the most consistently conservative commentator I can find. Blonde has a strong authoritarian streak in her that I can’t get fully on board with, Matt is too much of a “I know these things are important but I can’t fully point to God being the source of our rights” kind of guy. Ben obviously gets a few things real, but idk where everyone get the “GOP shill” tag. He always going off on what the GOP is doing wrong, he’s come to the Trump side ever since the election, and he makes some of the best reasoned arguments of anyone out there today.

2019-01-22 01:37:38 UTC  

I had to remind her that abc, channels 7,9 and 10 and the rest of the freeview channels are all left wing

2019-01-22 01:39:01 UTC  

This is after she told me that I need to watch listen to left wing media

2019-01-22 01:39:58 UTC  

I remember watching some BBC programming while I was in Au and it was presenting 1950s Britain as this multicultural melting pot. Was quite shocking how blatant the propaganda was

2019-01-22 01:40:19 UTC  

Think that was on Sky, if not BBC Au (or whatever that is)

2019-01-22 01:40:23 UTC  

I got her to listen to last night's podcast and she was quite pissed off after it finished

2019-01-22 01:40:46 UTC  

Calling blonde and matt racist and haters

2019-01-22 01:41:09 UTC  

I can't even imagine not loving the show

2019-01-22 01:41:20 UTC  

Sounds like a dumper

2019-01-22 01:41:28 UTC  

lol true

2019-01-22 01:41:47 UTC  

A dumper?

2019-01-22 01:42:01 UTC  

I love watching the show live each week

2019-01-22 01:42:15 UTC  

Opposite of keeper