Message from @Lash-Games

Discord ID: 550076454709231620

2019-02-26 15:24:40 UTC  

It was an interesting thought experiment which I had to take to logical conclusions

2019-02-26 16:03:16 UTC  

But guyz, OIL

2019-02-26 16:03:27 UTC  

I've heard this shit for decades

2019-02-26 16:16:50 UTC  

Is it just my internet, or did Youtube take down the recording of Crowders Oscars live stream minutes after they uploaded it this morning?

2019-02-26 16:19:51 UTC  

I heard they got cut mid-stream as well, so that wouldn't surprise me

2019-02-26 16:21:05 UTC  

Yeah, the content is obviously transformative. I'll be anxiously waiting to see how their lawsuit Crowder announced develops.

2019-02-26 16:27:06 UTC  

It's probably damage control.

My wife is apolitical, loves the Oscars, watches them every year from start to end. Said they were terrible this year, everything was about women or black people.

2019-02-26 16:28:29 UTC  

They lacked a host because of some bullshit LGBT victimology for Kevin Hart's joke. Which hurt it a lot.

2019-02-26 16:37:40 UTC  

I will never date a woman that watches tv again. Game of Thrones and movies are ok, but my last woman watched the fucking View. The View. The God damned fucking View

2019-02-26 16:38:34 UTC  

Good women don't watch the view

2019-02-26 16:44:13 UTC  

The View is probably too far, but you should expect the woman to become more conservative in the relationship.

2019-02-26 16:59:32 UTC  
2019-02-26 17:01:51 UTC  

Just don't have cable, then you don't get any of the trash like the view. Just Hulu Anime :3

2019-02-26 17:02:33 UTC  

I don't. We got YouTube TV free trial for her Oscar's

2019-02-26 17:03:41 UTC  

Switchimg between services Netflix/Hulu/Prime/HBO is so much better than those $100 cable/satellite bills

2019-02-26 17:04:15 UTC  

It really is, plus: no commercials

2019-02-26 22:00:31 UTC  

@Chump_or_Champ @Shadows I was apart of the vote conversation a few days ago as well. :p

2019-02-26 22:02:51 UTC  

I still stand by voting being a right that should be reserved for people with an investment in the future. Married + kids or Military service. Along with a 4th arm of government that is made up of random people who's job it is purely to abuse politicians and force a bi-election in their seat when the politcian gets too uppity lol

2019-02-26 22:06:18 UTC  

I don't see how those work together...

2019-02-26 22:07:02 UTC  

I just want a politician to have anti-cheerleaders behind them every moment of the day telling them they are garbage

2019-02-26 22:07:26 UTC  

I am a simple man okay lol

2019-02-26 22:08:06 UTC  

No not that, that's fine.
I'm talking about *I still stand by voting being a right that should be reserved for people with an investment in the future. Married + kids or Military service*

2019-02-26 22:08:26 UTC  

I'm glad that part wasnt a sticking point hahaha

2019-02-26 22:08:58 UTC  

it's the idea that maybe giving literally _everyone_ in a democracy equal say in government may not be the best idea, so we were pitching ideas on who voting would be limited to

2019-02-26 22:10:21 UTC  

I've seen a number of proposals, like going back to the original law of "land owners only", families/households like Lash described, and something like "people who are net positive on taxes" (which is just fancy-talk for "no welfare queens")

2019-02-26 22:10:37 UTC  

in my lizard brain if you are having a family and it is stable then (which marriage should be) then you have an investment in the future that someone who is single and who plans to stay single does not have. Equally if you are willing to die for a cause you've proven to me you are invested in a way hardly anybody else is

2019-02-26 22:11:55 UTC  

I'm also fine banning certain people from voting

2019-02-26 22:13:25 UTC  

the situation that Sweden is in is nothing short of insanity. I don't remember if 15% of the overall electorate or 15% of the people who actually voted in their last (possibly rigged) election are Turkish nationals

2019-02-26 22:14:44 UTC  

you dont see First Past the Post systems won by 15% let alone stupid European "proportional representation" systems won by that much

2019-02-26 22:15:28 UTC  

what don't you like about "proportional representation"?

2019-02-26 22:16:24 UTC  

I understand its value. And on paper I dont have an issue with it. But I really, really, truly hate Coalition governments and their kingmakers.

2019-02-26 22:17:09 UTC  

it also disproportionally favours the left from what I have seen.

2019-02-26 22:17:41 UTC  

not to mention it gave us the absolute fucking wonder that is Guy Verhosphaph

2019-02-26 22:18:18 UTC  

verhofstadt*** You know what. That was pretty damn close! lol

2019-02-26 22:26:15 UTC  

So, just to be clear.
You guys are proposing, that threw out history, most people haven't had a Right to have any say in the people that ruled them. And after a centuries of this practice, of men dying over and over never being able to refuse, or would be places in jail or put to death. The men started advocating the Right for a say in who keeps putting them in war (then granting it to everyone else). While understanding that being in the military does not mean they solely fight for the Freedom and Rights for just themselves, but for everyone's.
What they fought/died for, should be thrown away because we are allowing to many peoples voice to be heard (or the wrong voices)?

2019-02-26 22:27:28 UTC  

People dying for an idea isn’t an argument for the idea itself. That’s not to say I’m making a stand in this particular issue

2019-02-26 22:28:01 UTC  

Plenty of people have died in the name of Islam. We’d be throwing away their sacrifice if we didn’t establish an American caliphate

2019-02-26 22:28:03 UTC  

what they fought and died for was a perfectly valid ideal. The problem is, especially with a welfare state, it hasn't worked.

2019-02-26 22:28:54 UTC  

and I am not saying that people cant earn their right to vote (apart form a few examples). Unlike times past when it simply wasnt given to them at all

2019-02-26 22:30:26 UTC  

I'm not saying its fair either, though you can make the argument that it is. I'm simply saying the whole situation needs to be looked at from the ground up

2019-02-26 22:30:46 UTC  

I'm still conflicted as to how we've determined what crimes are egregious enough to disenfranchise felons from voting. Obviously there's some standard that needs to be met in order to keep that right.