Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 554412164861919288

2019-03-10 19:32:16 UTC  

>dissent option on individual tweets and youtube videos right next to the normal buttons

2019-03-10 19:32:21 UTC  

and ability to rate urls

2019-03-10 19:32:27 UTC  

out now

2019-03-10 19:37:34 UTC  

There’s also the amount of marriages that were rushed into without proper consideration from both parties. That’s got to contribute to divorce rates a fair bit,

2019-03-10 19:53:44 UTC  

Yeah. Too bad. Stay together. Make it work

2019-03-10 20:24:53 UTC  

That's not always realistic Sal.
I have less of a problem with divorce (tho i don't like it at all), if people don't have kids.

2019-03-10 20:28:42 UTC  

But it's always better to teach that as a rule, rather than always qualify it with an exception or way out. That's how weak men flourish

2019-03-10 20:57:55 UTC  

I'm all for a standard, which is why i said i don't like divorces at all.
But you don't just ruin humans who don't live up to the standard or don't want to.

2019-03-10 20:59:27 UTC  

You can tell people What they should be because it works best (for most people, not everyone), you don't get to Make people be that.

2019-03-10 21:04:03 UTC  

Just because people do crappy or unwise things with freedom, doesn't make the freedom to do things less important.

2019-03-10 21:05:10 UTC  

^ Low resolution view at Freedom and it's consequences. imho

2019-03-10 21:06:30 UTC  

Not sure if you mean it as a good or bad thing lol.

2019-03-10 21:07:32 UTC  

VERY bad thing Shadows! You should be completely ashamed of your poor analysis on why Freedom matters.

2019-03-10 21:08:35 UTC  

However, since we're pretty much best friends. There is always room for forgiveness.

2019-03-10 21:08:54 UTC  

Freedom matters for many different reasons.. I gave one, not sure how that's bad but ok :)

2019-03-10 21:11:09 UTC  

It seems a bit incomplete, if not outright dishonest. The negative trade-off for Freedom was completely absent. I hold you to a higher standard Shadows! Perhaps I was all wrong about you. :C

2019-03-10 21:13:11 UTC  

To be clear. I'm not mad.

2019-03-10 21:13:27 UTC  

I'm just disappointed. 😔

2019-03-10 21:14:40 UTC  

We tend to have an incomplete view of what the full spectrum of viable options are for a given situation anyway. While people are allowed to fuck up, openness in "allowed" options (distinct from "approved" options) means they can also pursue a non-standard, potentially superior solution. Further, exploration of this variety allows us to discover what options are bad in the first place, and why

2019-03-10 21:15:10 UTC  

I said freedom has consequences.... That doesn't mean we give up freedom.
And i was giving 1 example of why.
Saying i have the freedom to choose what i eat right now, doesn't negate everything else freedom is important for... @Deleted User

2019-03-10 21:16:00 UTC  

Or all the risks that come with it.

2019-03-10 21:17:09 UTC  

But that's what freedom means, to risk.

2019-03-10 21:19:35 UTC  

Marriage is an institution that shouldn’t be compromised. It is serious.

2019-03-10 21:21:26 UTC  

Almost everything in life is serious...

2019-03-10 21:21:57 UTC  

Marriage is the foundation of society. Everything else depends on it

2019-03-10 21:22:34 UTC  

foundation of *western society?

2019-03-10 21:23:05 UTC  

In the same vein, the rearing of children is probably one of the most important jobs in society, and it's treated like trash these days

2019-03-10 21:23:41 UTC  

Maybe its the children's fault.

2019-03-10 21:24:53 UTC  

not treated like trash in conservative communities.

2019-03-10 21:27:47 UTC  

Oh right, I was gonna bring this up before
So community building. Shit ain't an ethnostate, so unless you're yeeting everyone else your community has to be based around something that isn't A: religious or B: ethnocentric - nation, shared ideals, bodypillow collections, whatever
How do you replicate the sort of communal focus that you can get out of a church community without the church? To a certain extent this has to be tailored to the community it's used in, but it's definitely not an impossibility overall

Other issue: Your community sticks together. Everything is good
How do you prevent stagnation - people banding together against new ideas, regardless of their merit. The risk of groupthink will probably increase over time, assuming nothing fractures
How do you prevent bias in social arbitration - one of the oft cited issues with small towns is abuse of influence and one's reputation never leaving them. Obviously a "Path to Redemption" is needed, but even before that is complete, people ought to get a fair hearing

2019-03-10 21:29:39 UTC  

Short answer : libertarians don't care about anything and will just rot in their bunkers while the world crumbles die to their stagnation.

Long answer: the Golden Path

2019-03-10 21:30:57 UTC  

And for the non meme answer?

2019-03-10 21:30:59 UTC  

Its a good thing you don't strawman anything... People might understand what you are saying at some point

2019-03-10 21:31:25 UTC  

@Shadows lol, you make me laugh <3

2019-03-10 21:31:47 UTC  

@Beemann Can we start a bodypillow collection society?

2019-03-10 21:32:03 UTC  

See the problem is I would have to jihad all who have trash waifus

2019-03-10 21:32:07 UTC  

which is everyone I have met thus far

2019-03-10 21:32:38 UTC  

@Beemann so far in the US, we've done well by building a civic religion and history based on the revolution

2019-03-10 21:32:39 UTC  

That's fine by me, i'm all for return fire on your jihad.

2019-03-10 21:33:52 UTC  

That's why there is such influence for our national symbols, like the flag etc. We had to build a nation from nothing, compared to the Germans who had a shared history

2019-03-10 21:35:42 UTC  

so would you be of the position then that the best solution is to focus primarily on reversing the past X number of decades of KGB subversion? That general direction?