Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 387044632128913409
I dont want to think about how sticky homosexuals may be
Just bring it here since you're obviously messaging everybody about it.
given the subject matter
For the record I don't support letting active fags in.
But when I do, I get told off by the mods about it and told to take it to PMs
Apologies, I'll delete the screencap if it violates the rules.
for the record, the only mod im aware of saying that is me, and i said to PM parrott or heimbach
My bad man, was just bants @The Inquisitor [☧]
what a fag
>black irish
Literally potato nigger
tbh, a "black Irish" sounds like a kind of cocktail
Bitch needs to pay the toll
Matta: Does the Party meet your standards?
I swear I just saw that image 10 seconds before you posted it
Lol nah i just grabbed it from 504um
Whenever I get off work, from a 10 hour shift.
I can't wait to get home and argue on discord among friends.
We all do. I beleive todays topic is a repeat of yeaterdays so u didnt miss much
Everyday lmao
Fucking goddamn I unironically love tendies
Got these fresh crispers heres
U love ten deez nuts in yo mouf
Fuck you fams
yea youd like that 😉
Is that frischs tartar sauce?
Blue cheese nigger
tartar sauce is gay
frischs on the other hand
best milkshakes
best breakfast bar
10/10 would eat again
@Dr.Cocopuff | KY you went to Frisch's without us? Oh hell nah.
>going to frischs
>not getting fries w/ extra tartar sauce
did a cleanout today of someone really high in the progressive communities house and came across private business cards or congressman is the explotable at all?
No I didn't go to frishers