Message from @parrott
Discord ID: 387043523033169942
Otherwise you're a retard
Also anyone that doesn't vape is stupid
Flinging spaghetti?
And dragons are real
sorry fam @The Inquisitor [☧] but that was too good not to post
Ernst Rohm betrayed the NSDAP, and he got what he deserved for it.
I stand by what I said.
Of course he deserved it
You know the point I'm trying to make.
This isn't a homosexual or somebody credibly accused of homosexuality, so it's a bad comparison.
@parrott Matta and I were discussing fags
You're actually making my point
The NSDAP's token degenerate turned traitor
this is a PM conversation, and it ought to stay there
well it's history so
Actual homosexuals are sticky, since there's this strong sexual impulse. Being gothy isn't quite so grave.
I don't think "sticky" is the best word choice here
I dont want to think about how sticky homosexuals may be
given the subject matter
For the record I don't support letting active fags in.
But when I do, I get told off by the mods about it and told to take it to PMs
Apologies, I'll delete the screencap if it violates the rules.
for the record, the only mod im aware of saying that is me, and i said to PM parrott or heimbach
My bad man, was just bants @The Inquisitor [☧]
what a fag
>black irish
Literally potato nigger
tbh, a "black Irish" sounds like a kind of cocktail
Bitch needs to pay the toll
Matta: Does the Party meet your standards?
@fassel Are we browsing the same thread on /pol/?
I swear I just saw that image 10 seconds before you posted it