Message from @The Inquisitor [☧]
Discord ID: 387043655463993364
Flinging spaghetti?
And dragons are real
sorry fam @The Inquisitor [☧] but that was too good not to post
Ernst Rohm betrayed the NSDAP, and he got what he deserved for it.
I stand by what I said.
Of course he deserved it
You know the point I'm trying to make.
This isn't a homosexual or somebody credibly accused of homosexuality, so it's a bad comparison.
@parrott Matta and I were discussing fags
You're actually making my point
The NSDAP's token degenerate turned traitor
this is a PM conversation, and it ought to stay there
well it's history so
Actual homosexuals are sticky, since there's this strong sexual impulse. Being gothy isn't quite so grave.
I don't think "sticky" is the best word choice here
I dont want to think about how sticky homosexuals may be
Just bring it here since you're obviously messaging everybody about it.
given the subject matter
For the record I don't support letting active fags in.
Apologies, I'll delete the screencap if it violates the rules.
for the record, the only mod im aware of saying that is me, and i said to PM parrott or heimbach
My bad man, was just bants @The Inquisitor [☧]
what a fag
>black irish
Literally potato nigger
tbh, a "black Irish" sounds like a kind of cocktail
Bitch needs to pay the toll
Matta: Does the Party meet your standards?
@fassel Are we browsing the same thread on /pol/?
I swear I just saw that image 10 seconds before you posted it
Lol nah i just grabbed it from 504um
Whenever I get off work, from a 10 hour shift.
I can't wait to get home and argue on discord among friends.
We all do. I beleive todays topic is a repeat of yeaterdays so u didnt miss much