Message from @Dr.Cocopuff | KY
Discord ID: 387045803363008512
My bad man, was just bants @The Inquisitor [☧]
what a fag
>black irish
Literally potato nigger
tbh, a "black Irish" sounds like a kind of cocktail
Bitch needs to pay the toll
Matta: Does the Party meet your standards?
@fassel Are we browsing the same thread on /pol/?
I swear I just saw that image 10 seconds before you posted it
Lol nah i just grabbed it from 504um
Whenever I get off work, from a 10 hour shift.
I can't wait to get home and argue on discord among friends.
We all do. I beleive todays topic is a repeat of yeaterdays so u didnt miss much
Everyday lmao
Fucking goddamn I unironically love tendies
U love ten deez nuts in yo mouf
Fuck you fams
yea youd like that 😉
Is that frischs tartar sauce?
Blue cheese nigger
tartar sauce is gay
frischs on the other hand
best milkshakes
best breakfast bar
10/10 would eat again
@Dr.Cocopuff | KY you went to Frisch's without us? Oh hell nah.
>going to frischs
>not getting fries w/ extra tartar sauce
did a cleanout today of someone really high in the progressive communities house and came across private business cards or congressman is the explotable at all?
No I didn't go to frishers
it was nimnilini something
Pics get
didnt get it Ill try and get one tomorrow
had his damn personal cell and house number too :/
Probably shouldn't be talking about that publicly...