Message from @Tony Hovater
Discord ID: 386774355423657984
Its in your platform,how much organics do you grow, ?
The new symbol of TWP is going to be a crossed corn cobb and fork
Faith, Family, and Fork.
🌽 <:tradworkersymbol:374584413561946114> 🌽
how much did you lose?
Barely any.
I lost about 20%
*Barley @Tony Hovater
The weekend of Cville,my bees absconded.
☠ 🐝 ☠
that means they left and took the honey with. about 40 lbs in 4 days
I thought I had purged the African genetics, apparently not completely. ficking nigger bees. 40 lbs..lazy fuckers
someone must have told them where i was.
Has anything good come out of Africa?
I dont think Im ready for cattle.
Ok. must crash. splitting oak to heat my home and deny the electricity jew muh shekels. Good luck in DC.
How many goys do we have going to D.C?
@Tony Hovater AIDS is pretty cool.
All you gaming goys, join my server, be warned, there are normies in here.
Its a non-political gaming Discord i own.
@everyone do we have anyone out in/near Wisconsin? I have a guy who wants to get involved with any TWP members out that way.
That spot seems pretty dry. I knew one guy and I'm not 100% sure he's affiliated
I know a guy up there aswell, but he says there is no one else.
Looks like shit isn't too rough in Wisconsin yet. A blessing and a curse
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) if you can put me in contact with him that'd be swell. The guy who wants to get involved is new and I think just wants to meet up out that way with someone.
Do you know how close he is to the Illinois border? There's plenty of guys in the Chicago area?
I'll ask him.
Alright. @@AltCelt(IL) is the fella to ask if he's near the border
To the best of my understanding. He seems to be facilitating a lot of things up that way
Kkk. I messaged the guy so when I hear back from him I'll redirect him.
Good stuff. I hope he gets in touch!
If anything those South Wisconsin guys have more place in Illinois TWP than guys like me. Southern Illinois is so isolated
It's no good when weLL over half your states population is up in the north counties.
I have a similar problem, we have a decent amount of guys in the southern Indiana/Louisville area, but not nearly as many as I would like due to these cities being overwhelmingly liberal. I know if I lived in eastern Kentucky we'd have so many more people in the state. Hoping to make more road trips in spring to recruit down there.
It definitely seems like Appalachia is our main center of community. That's fantastic given the circumstances but it's a shame it hasn't happened in the lower half of my state
The conditions are ripe and I've been doing my part to spread the word, but it seems like there's always work to be done