Message from @katherine

Discord ID: 386798940844195852

2017-12-03 06:56:43 UTC  

someone must have told them where i was.

2017-12-03 06:56:58 UTC  

Has anything good come out of Africa?

2017-12-03 06:57:18 UTC  


2017-12-03 06:58:08 UTC  

I dont think Im ready for cattle.

2017-12-03 07:00:44 UTC  

Ok. must crash. splitting oak to heat my home and deny the electricity jew muh shekels. Good luck in DC.

2017-12-03 07:01:07 UTC  

How many goys do we have going to D.C?

2017-12-03 07:02:01 UTC  

@Tony Hovater AIDS is pretty cool.

2017-12-03 07:03:12 UTC  


2017-12-03 07:58:20 UTC  

All you gaming goys, join my server, be warned, there are normies in here.

2017-12-03 07:58:33 UTC  

Its a non-political gaming Discord i own.

2017-12-03 08:35:21 UTC  

@everyone do we have anyone out in/near Wisconsin? I have a guy who wants to get involved with any TWP members out that way.

2017-12-03 08:35:57 UTC  

That spot seems pretty dry. I knew one guy and I'm not 100% sure he's affiliated

2017-12-03 08:36:26 UTC  

I know a guy up there aswell, but he says there is no one else.

2017-12-03 08:36:55 UTC  

Looks like shit isn't too rough in Wisconsin yet. A blessing and a curse

2017-12-03 08:37:36 UTC  

@Justin Burger (Major-GA) if you can put me in contact with him that'd be swell. The guy who wants to get involved is new and I think just wants to meet up out that way with someone.

2017-12-03 08:38:20 UTC  

Do you know how close he is to the Illinois border? There's plenty of guys in the Chicago area?

2017-12-03 08:38:35 UTC  

I'll ask him.

2017-12-03 08:39:24 UTC  

Alright. @@AltCelt(IL) is the fella to ask if he's near the border

2017-12-03 08:40:03 UTC  

To the best of my understanding. He seems to be facilitating a lot of things up that way

2017-12-03 08:40:53 UTC  

Kkk. I messaged the guy so when I hear back from him I'll redirect him.

2017-12-03 08:41:22 UTC  

Good stuff. I hope he gets in touch!

2017-12-03 08:41:37 UTC  


2017-12-03 08:42:31 UTC  

If anything those South Wisconsin guys have more place in Illinois TWP than guys like me. Southern Illinois is so isolated

2017-12-03 08:43:31 UTC  

It's no good when weLL over half your states population is up in the north counties.

2017-12-03 08:45:12 UTC  

I have a similar problem, we have a decent amount of guys in the southern Indiana/Louisville area, but not nearly as many as I would like due to these cities being overwhelmingly liberal. I know if I lived in eastern Kentucky we'd have so many more people in the state. Hoping to make more road trips in spring to recruit down there.

2017-12-03 08:47:44 UTC  

It definitely seems like Appalachia is our main center of community. That's fantastic given the circumstances but it's a shame it hasn't happened in the lower half of my state

2017-12-03 08:48:32 UTC  

The conditions are ripe and I've been doing my part to spread the word, but it seems like there's always work to be done

2017-12-03 08:48:50 UTC  

Yeah we definitely have support here, but a lot of our support comes from unprivileged people with little to no access to the internet. Community outreach and charity work are our best bet.

2017-12-03 08:49:39 UTC  

I hear tell a few regions are setting up community houses. In spite of everything I am real optimistic

2017-12-03 08:50:18 UTC  

I heard about TWP after the Battle of Sacremento. Since then we have progressed so much.

2017-12-03 08:52:48 UTC  

Oh yeah, I remember joining in the beginning of 2015 and us only having like 10-15 active members and now I can barely keep up with all the new faces. It's great.

2017-12-03 08:53:27 UTC  

I think a lot of people are seeing TWP as the best option

2017-12-03 08:54:01 UTC  

The other groups do well, but TWP is the only group I know of that has an established platform

2017-12-03 08:54:34 UTC  

And we do the best work to implement it. Activism with no major goal is wasted effort

2017-12-03 08:56:55 UTC  

Yeah IE appeals to young middle class college guys and League appeals to southerners, but I think TWP is more of a "one size fits most", making us more easy to relate to. AWD is great too, but I don't know too much about them.

2017-12-03 08:58:10 UTC  

AWD is pretty niche imo. And TBH I'm middle class, but IE never Jived with me. I can't get into the frat boy feel

2017-12-03 08:58:52 UTC  

Plus all the cucking they do on their positions. Its resulted in their org being filled with people that aren't serious.

2017-12-03 09:00:36 UTC  

Yeah I never would've been interested in IE, but that's just me. I had been looking for a group to join since I was about 15, so I'm glad I finally found out about TWP by the time I was 18. I think that our group has stuck together pretty well in comparison to other groups. I'll always try to work with groups willing, but I feel that ours is more of a sure thing because it's stable.

2017-12-03 09:01:37 UTC  

Heimbach has established himself as a leader. Many of these other groups don't have a leader to follow it seems

2017-12-03 09:02:16 UTC  

On top of that we have fantastic leaders in the lower ranks. Our guys know how to do it like no others.