Message from @Sawilagaz
Discord ID: 275066274655109121
We don't have a TWP chapter in NY. Our TWP chapter in NY was Jason Augustus. And he moved to Indiana. And everybody else around there seems to prefer the TRS and IE stuff.
yeah still not working
My bad. @mattparrott
oh no period lol
I'm the opossum with the beaker.
got the link on IM's discord
This room grew 12x in 5 minutes
Shame, if people from TWP showed up at Shia's thing it would've been great
Sam Hyde already crashed it.
I know. Been watching that a bit.
Also it's...still not working wow
Telegram used to find people easily wtf
I assume there are cops stationed full time around the event?
Seeing all those Milo-tier guys out there today, one of them even counter-signaling national socialism in a trump hat, there has to be cops.
considering just how many people there are
and how it's a political thing
it is a recipe for disaster
so definitely there's some cops
never saw so much autism and low-T packed into one spot
on that stream
BOG pill and HEEBS WILL NOT DIVIDE US were highlights
Otherwie kinda boring
"Chapter" is a pretty structured word. We have regular meetups in Kentucky, in Cincy, in Indianapolis, in Los Angeles, in Milwaukee, north of Atlanta, and several sharp contacts all over.
I got a kick out of the "He will nut inside us" chick.
That was clever too
Howdy, Gabriel.
I suppose I should figure out how to try to join the Iron March server.
I've been on IM forever, but never participate in the forum.
I finally figured out what was wrong with my audio, Derrick.
Even though I post less than Heimbach, the community has a funny way of following you.
good good
Turns out I'm fucking stupid and can't see a big obvious "SERVER MUTED" thing right in front of my face.
>I should figure out how to try to join the Iron March server
how about looking at the discord thread
on the forums