Message from @Angry Orange Man (J. R.)
Discord ID: 472973672223866880
@Sergio Bosque Move to civil discussion?
see through frog
I cannot be arsed to look for the damned chars of your name
If I check off Mental Disability, can I get a certificate for it so I can hang it on my fridge!?🤔
what is this crap ?
Is Key and Peele still on air?
Didn't think so.
So, yeah, I essentially just discovered this discord server. I'm quite familiar with Sargon and such, and I have watched some of Academic Agent's videos, but I am still trying to learn a little more about this group. I understand it is primarily for classical liberals to come and debate (could be wrong), but would it be considered part of the "intellectual darkweb"?
I probably sound like a total noob. I literally just joined the server.
@Angry Orange Man (J. R.) no, you don't sound like a noob at all.
Honestly, I'm just looking for some kind of group to join that best reflects my own beliefs - something I can also use as a platform to express my own opinions. Plus, the live debates seem like a lot of fun.
oh, for sure.
How does one become an actual liberalist?
@Angry Orange Man (J. R.) what are your beliefs?
How did you find your way here?
Can you guys come out?
@CelestialMorningLight ...what are you talking about?
@Strange Useful stuff you weren't involved in, strange. as per the effin usual
will be back
talking to the female xD
Summed up, I live by Mill's Harm Principle. I'm a "libertarian" (prefer the term classical liberal) on utilitarian grounds
Noting being rude, I am heading to bed. But if your interest is genuine post any questions you have, just keep in mind if the goal is debate we have a specific server for that. Discussion and learning is fine.
And I am sure whether I need to answer them tomorrow, or someone answers them tonight, most people on here will try to answer fairly.