Message from @!dammnation3(Liberalist)
Discord ID: 472981812717682689
If I check off Mental Disability, can I get a certificate for it so I can hang it on my fridge!?🤔
what is this crap ?
Is Key and Peele still on air?
Didn't think so.
So, yeah, I essentially just discovered this discord server. I'm quite familiar with Sargon and such, and I have watched some of Academic Agent's videos, but I am still trying to learn a little more about this group. I understand it is primarily for classical liberals to come and debate (could be wrong), but would it be considered part of the "intellectual darkweb"?
I probably sound like a total noob. I literally just joined the server.
@Angry Orange Man (J. R.) no, you don't sound like a noob at all.
Honestly, I'm just looking for some kind of group to join that best reflects my own beliefs - something I can also use as a platform to express my own opinions. Plus, the live debates seem like a lot of fun.
How does one become an actual liberalist?
@Angry Orange Man (J. R.) what are your beliefs?
How did you find your way here?
Can you guys come out?
@CelestialMorningLight ...what are you talking about?
@Strange Useful stuff you weren't involved in, strange. as per the effin usual
will be back
talking to the female xD
Summed up, I live by Mill's Harm Principle. I'm a "libertarian" (prefer the term classical liberal) on utilitarian grounds
Noting being rude, I am heading to bed. But if your interest is genuine post any questions you have, just keep in mind if the goal is debate we have a specific server for that. Discussion and learning is fine.
And I am sure whether I need to answer them tomorrow, or someone answers them tonight, most people on here will try to answer fairly.
If you're unfamiliar witht he basic principles we have some resources listed in the top channels for the server.
And we have quite a few libertarian leaning peoples here.
I believe in a minimalized, but pragmatically sized state, where the government's first priority is to defend individual liberties. I'm for Chicago-school economics, with only minimal market regulations ("quasi-faire" as I call it). I'm a civic nationalist. I believe in neoliberal globalization (not globalism). I am a noninterventionist and "benevolent imperialist" in the Millean sense (I believe that, pragmatically, the United States has a moral obligation to remain a superpower in order to maintain natural world order and Western ascendency...just as Britain did when it was an empire).
All of this because I believe it will produce the best consequences.
Anyway, that's all I'll say, seeing as this is not the debate channel.
@1000 In regards to what?
@CelestialMorningLight you asked before right above my previous comment, "Can you guys come out?"
we were always in the chat
What is going on in research room? That's the most number of people I've seen at once