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@Ape You're gay.


@Ape Re-watching the circus from the last chimpout... It felt like demanding a political theory or philosophy be grounded in an objective or scientific truth seemed like an unfair request. If that is the value you hold or want to hold that seems fine, but what is the scientific truth behind financial freedom or the scientific right to freedom of religion, or freedom to bare arms/defend yourself? And if you wouldn't mind I would like to know if you can explain to me how they are Judeo-Christian values. Are you arguing Jesus would be pro-gun?

'Golden rule' and other such concepts pre-date judeo-Christian faith. Evidence as far back as sumeria for basic concepts of person agency and various grades of liberty over the eons. I take issue with 'judeo-Christian' being a catch-all for western princples and ethical pre-suppositions.


It always strikes me as an attempt to co-opt or rebrand something beyond their scope. No issue with mcdonalds claimimg to have served 17 quasrillion burgers.... But they dont get to claim to have invented them.

The religious institutions around Europe found the enlightment ideas and the principles behind them to be outside of God's will and direction... Yet now they are Christian? Seems a bit revisionist.

For example Jesus sites the Golden Rule as originating from the Mosaic law and God directly. However if we look at ancient Egypt we can see a legal commandment given for the people to operate on and in general capacity. Does that sound familiar? General Commandments given to an entire population to follow as a legal guideline? Besides that glaring coincidence the first written form of the Golden Rule comes from approximately 2000 BCE. Which is 400 years before the Egyptians even dare mention Israel or Jews or Hebrews. The simple truth of the matter is judeo Christian principles were at play in other parts of the world and how humans interact it they just seem to be the first people that wrote it down. Now if you want a political movement based on scientific truth that we have to realize that the archaeological and scientific and historical data we have makes it clear that these are not necessarily judeo Christian principles. In the same way that a cheeseburger Hamburger french fries or a chicken nugget is not necessarily and invention of McDonald's. I would hope that the first French chef to thinly Julianne potato and deep fry it wouldn't have his legacy besmirched by a Mega Corporation attempting to make it so they can sue anyone that calls their burger a cheeseburger or at least have them pay a licensing fee.

So I do take personal issue with anyone attempting to Brand some of the concepts that play with in Western democracy is judeo Christian. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence and indicators of people looking for freedom of choice freedom of movement and the general well-being amongst each other. Judeo Christian values emphasize submission respect and being willing to take punishment from someone who is your better because of their association with God. If you choose to be a religious person and still hold liberal Western values I think it is possible. Look at someone like Steven Crowder who is religious but separates his religious beliefs from his political beliefs. Why do you think someone who is so staunchly conservative would think in such a way? Because they are not the same set of principles they may overlap and some general areas. But for the most part they should remain separate.

Please Overlook the typos. I might be an autist and possibly retarded but I try not to type like I am. This is mostly Google speech to text.

I was more asking why you believe your values, which are typically conservative. What is the 'scientific truth' of being pro-gun, or conservative, etc. And how do you hold them as Judeo-Christian views if they existed before Judea did?

My paragraphs above were answering someone else's assertions.

I just meant that in the discussion him and Aydin kept demanding 'scientific truths' then stating it was all Judeo-Christian principles without providing direct examples.

I wasn't sure if it was an attempt to discredit, ofr a false equivalency, or a form of projection.

So what principle of his own is a 'scientific truth'?

Any example would clarify.

It wasn't a fair statement to debunk on command, either. It would have lead to a slap-fight that would have gotten you shouted down.

Not every day someone equates freedom of religion to the conquests of the Judeans over the pagan Cannanites.

๐Ÿ—‘ ๐Ÿ”ซ

(*get it? rim shot?*)

@KingOfCringe Yes, that is him. We seem to be the latest thing pissing him off by existing.

Like, in the olden days I would ad hominem the shit out of this, but let me just argue it backwards...

@Ape Because society has continually changed for the better since liberal views, principles, and laws have been introduced. Can you think of one thing that has gotten worse over time since the late 1600s/1700s? If anything humanity is leaping forward in almost every aspect. And the majority of the leaps come from Western Countries that were founded on 'liberal principles'. Not left or 'liberal democratic' or other such nonsense. But just simply basic liberal values of personal freedom... *SIMILAR* to what you see in the Liebralist Principles.

You're not going to get a liberalist to edgelord for you and say something nonsensical as a 'TRUTH' like you're looking for. Honestly you're giving me flashbacks to that Kraut bullshit. 'Truthiests pls respond.'

But still can't just answer the question... Name a principle you hold that you can provide objective evidence for? if you're demanding it of us, provide an example to follow, no?

You've missed a lot King.

I still do, I still will. Because he has some insights others don't. Still subbed to him as a matter of fact. He can call me a soyboy all he wants... I can't think of anything more ironic than a gay man accusing others of being 'soyboys' but oh well.

Anyone can take that as an ad hominem but I felt it needed to be stated... I'm a gun loving heterosexual whiskey and beer drinking cheeseburger eating red blooded American. But because I, and others like me, are in favor of rational political discussion you're a 'soyboy'. I said it to fog and others, the more people 'REEEEEEE' at Horsehoe theory the more they confirm it. 'If you don't agree with me you are a __'. Perfect.

Move here and buy a gun.

Go full Crowder.

Well I meant stay, but yeah.

Poutine is a dish that by all accounts should have been invented in America. 'I don't think Gravy on Fries is enough cholesterol for me... Oh yeah, Cheese Curds.'

Well done.

Hey you guys did Mayonnaise on French Fries, you're in time out.

Carl has been more hands-off in his political dealings. I am sure he would rather have a political movement he agrees with and 'supports' organize in an organic fashion. The issues at play lend themselves to being solved internally and he would probably say the same.

People sometimes travel to get a different scope and culture, but to match your own culture you would do well to visit rural Wisconsin. Arguably the best beer in the USA comes from there. (I live a few hours from there and lived there for a time) and of course Wisconsin Cheese is the best in the country.

Even the Canadians have to tip their hat to Wisconsin beers.

@Benedict XVII hear, hear. But that's soyboy logic.

@Ape Ahhhh the argument against 'tabula rasa' you and Adyin were so dick-bent about makes sense now after reading up on NLM. tbh I hadn't really touched it since I heard in religious theory and studies when I was a child. I'm interested to know which liberal principle directly argues for tabula rasa? As far as I understood they had historically and scientifically disproven that line of thought.

Yeah I ain't seeing it over there.

He was triggered in the other chat. Not sure if you were there

News Flash: gay man condemns self for refusing to breed superior children, refuses to change absolutist moral stance. More at 11.







1) I did that glue shit too. Got bored in school. Always tested above average for the class, parents didn't want to send me ahead and turn me into an autist (like my brother did after getting sent to gifted programs). Bored kids will be bored kids, they want to explore and learn and understand.
2) WTF that 'wall' story couldn't be more fucking contrived if Mark Twain had written 10 novels about it.

I'm a natural spy, people just let me in places.

Oi, I had last comment.

fack off

Now make a Turkey one for the Oklahomans

This is a very good public conversation.


Wait on discord?

It does NOT on discord.

Just did it.

No 'message deleted' showing up.

Smegma got the honesty.

I literally did it here and it also didn't show up here either.


!play epic rap battles of history ivan the terrible

I drew Jesus.

asian hitler


I locally muted you for consistency.

Haha haha.... That's a good one.

Mao-bots to fight the rembots.....

Who would win, a 200 foot tall golden dictator, or 5 billion rembolutionary bois?

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