Message from @Horwin
Discord ID: 370976091147337729
Episode on the growth of the Alt right and how the intelligence world is seeing the growing Marxist low intensity conflict in the US
Holy crap, I just watched the new video and it gave me chills
That was beautifully made, props to whoever was involved
It really was
Yes indeed!
Ohio and surrounding goys PM me if you're interested in a meetup south of Lancaster, Ohio this weekend.
They even had a damn rollercoaster 🎢
And yes.. I wear a burka in summertime lol
Calling all FL/ south AL goys, I have a beach house all paid for this weekend for which all but 3 flaked. If you want to spend fri-Sunday at the beech for free talk to me.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Adolf Hitler The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jews would tell you. It’s a Nazi legend. Adolf Hitler was a Führer of the Germans, so powerful and so wise he could use the propaganda to influence the workers to create panzers… He had such a knowledge of national socialism that he could even keep the country he cared about from dying. National Socialism is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was the ZOG of western countries, which eventually, of course, proved to be his downfall. Unfortunately, he taught Italy everything he knew, then they betrayed him in his prime. Ironic. He could save himself from Zionism, but not others.
After George Bush shit talked us, I'm worried I might get a bunker buster dropped on my house lmfao
The tl;DR of that Zionist puppet is "Force democracy and be sneakier because the goyim know"
Because some shit about Democracy being under attack and that democracy literally means importing Africans and not batting a fucking eye while your country is used as a mercernary force by Israel.
The new TWP promo video looks amazing. Everybody spread that shit!
It really does
Probably on the site nvm
Yea got it
Anyone else here love Murdoch Murdoch?
It's pretty good.
I just watched the one on Obongo's Legacy. Great satire. Michelle portrayed as a monkey
Michelle = Michael Lavaughn Robinson
It's a man.
My local grocery store had some Superhot peppers, so I'm gonna do a Reaper Challenge here shortly.
I have a proctologist on standby. What do you suggest I do in preperation?
I love Murdoch Murdoch
I once tasted ghost pepper. Wouldn't necessarily recommend it.
I cook with it all the time
My ghost peppers are just ripening now
It goes great in so many things
Might be much better prepared, yeah.
It definitely is
As far as that beatsloop article.. Youre aware theres Latin whites fighting for our specific causes right?.. Lol
If Spencer wants Half-nogs, full-on Mestizos, or other mongrels and mulattos of the sort absorbed. ..Yea thats an issue. But there are castes of Latinos that are still genetic relatives of us. Its obviously a biased view, myself fitting into this. But as far as even our specific party goes... Our head of Security is Latin.
I dont think too many people stop to think about what South America was intended for, and still has the spirit of.. And what its become in many instances of why we have a stygma against it.. Which I still do for the most part.
@katherine I am on a 7 day ban.