Message from @cr4ck3r
Discord ID: 275049911744200704
Do you even lift
I do pushups periodically. :/
How many in a row
I can achieve 23 before muscle failure currently. Working to get that number up.
Jew jitsu is great
That'll keep you tough
And you get to rassle with swaety men
I just try to do the APFT basics in the morning and avoid getting too fixated on it.
Push-ups until fail. Sit-ups until fail. And some time on the desk bike.
Take the 1488 ruck march challenge
14 miles 88 pounds in 4 hours
Completed by April 20.
Oosh. 88 pounds would break my back in my current condition.
white power
So, there will be a project unveiled in central indiana come summer
From what I've ehard, it sounds badass.
Norse Battalion
Anonymous flier and sticker drops
not so much a protest movement but subversive, counter-signaling, propaganda, shit
If you're not wearing a swastika armband and getting bolts on your face, you're not a serious nationalist.
That stuff is great.
Especially if you can leverage the fertile ground of lingering butthurt from prior work in the Bloomington campus.
I'm moving on Ft Knox.
Can't dabble like that.
Our operations wont be ready for awhile, we need to get our site up first
we need as many info-graphics and hate facts as we can get
and I'm thinking about creating discs with HTML files that autoplay anti jew documentaries so I can hopefully track them with an SEO and figure out where we get the most hits from
The problem with discs and drives is everybody's afraid to open them.
And almost no one has disc drives anymore
A funnier angle might be pieces of paper with a caption, "Candid Nudes of Jessica Lynn Smith: A Cheating Whore."
Then when they go to the URL, it's red foshism.
This is true ^
well I mean fuck, we can also just link the documentaries on our site
A fun bait-n-switch which everybody will want to check out because it's tawdry.
but it seems with bluehost you have to pay like at least $200 to start, I thought with BlueHost you just paid the total bill over a specified amount of months?
But you need to use a tinyurl on the cards you throw out.
Staples has the perforated business card paper that you can print out hundreds of little cards on for dirt cheap at home.
would it be cheaper to print it ourselves? I mean ink costs a fuck ton