Message from @devolved
Discord ID: 275027615474122752
Ne minnesotans in here
We're building a group in the twin cities
Hail Victory!
Hail Victory, Chad!
Anyone looking for a nationalist fitness and survival FB group?
I would certainly join such a group.
I'm trying to start one, but it's very low energy.
Link it dude
I'm making a giant banner
What should I put on it
I'm just thinking white Lives Matter but open to good ideas
Do you even lift
I do pushups periodically. :/
How many in a row
I can achieve 23 before muscle failure currently. Working to get that number up.
Jew jitsu is great
That'll keep you tough
I just try to do the APFT basics in the morning and avoid getting too fixated on it.
Push-ups until fail. Sit-ups until fail. And some time on the desk bike.
Take the 1488 ruck march challenge
14 miles 88 pounds in 4 hours
Completed by April 20.
Oosh. 88 pounds would break my back in my current condition.
white power
So, there will be a project unveiled in central indiana come summer
From what I've ehard, it sounds badass.
Norse Battalion
Anonymous flier and sticker drops
not so much a protest movement but subversive, counter-signaling, propaganda, shit
me and the other guy have swastika armbands
If you're not wearing a swastika armband and getting bolts on your face, you're not a serious nationalist.
That stuff is great.
Especially if you can leverage the fertile ground of lingering butthurt from prior work in the Bloomington campus.
I'm moving on Ft Knox.