Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 425638392198594562
Yes actually
I was like “hmm... how convenient”
It could easily be a govt op to sway gun legislation
Our government is so corrupt that it doesn’t care who it kills or ruins the lives of
Florida just passed really strict gun laws, making modification of pretty much any aspect of your gun illegal, and raising the age.
Could just be gang violence. That would be good
Our government literally kills people to keep pushing the narrative
The school is “contained” and all students are at a different school
I think they’re keeping the students away from the set
Uhhh, how do you evacuate a whole school in 10 mins with an active shooter inside....
I wonder if they ever did
I wonder if they transported the children first
Then set up the stage
Then stared claiming a shooting
We’ll see
Also, my state Capitol was bombed 5 times
Shits going to hell fast, boys.
The Jews did this...
But when will it snap
these bombings aren't IEDs
^ how do you know
tilt switches and tripwires are pretty sophisticated for a goatfucker
Maybe a Rice-Eater?
Trip wires have always been an Asian thing lol
probably huwhite
could be, but my guess would be ex-military
Korea, Vietnam, Japan.
bombings are almost entirely white or jewish
outside of obvious mass casualty sandnigger shit
I'm just hoping it isn't AWD
yea, same
Last bombing by a white i can remember was Oklahoma.
which there's a real chance it is them
its still probably an IED
its hard to buy professional grade explosive stuff
when we find out more about the white victims we'll know
I know you can buy Frag grenades, but they cost an Arm and are regulated and monitored to hell.
if they were race mixers its probably awd
You cant buy a frag without half of the ATF sitting in a van in your front yard.