Message from @kaasci
Discord ID: 414554684163096577
@Deleted User Kek, I share one chat with that dude.
@Firefly Do not ping me again, if you ping me one more fucking time I swear to god I will track you down and hang you by your sperm tubes
Ay? Did someone ping me?
@here WHat are your opinions on if Council Communism could work in the UK?
your mum
Don't ping me faggot
Wow, so fucking insightful there
Fuck off
Only if the council was rotated like a jury. Which made it fiar so that everyone got a chance.
thanks babe
@King.Artek What about if the members were fully recallable on reasonably short notice?
what do you mean fully recallable?
@kaasci It can't
@Deleted User So you believe we need a vanguard party?
@kaasci It can't though.
@Deleted User Why do you think so?
@kaasci Well you are the guy claiming it didn't work.
@Deleted User I asked if it could work
get a life
good meme lad
@kaasci Yhea, that means that it dosen't work.
I disagree there
Communism can work
"communism can work" as said by various communist leaders only to have their country decay
Fucking anglos