Discord ID: 211587334037045258
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Which bankers are you reffering to?
Goldman Sachs?
Wouldn't do shit.
Do you really not see a problem with killing so many people?
Wew lass
No, but they aren't killed.
As a child, I would not want a predator to be killed. The guy's a fuckwit and should be put in his place. That place is jail and not 6ft underground.
I wonder how it would feel to spend my time making death threats to people
I'd probably commit suicide before 20
You're saying these people deserve to die, right?
Killing them is not justice
Raping kids under law is justice then?
You really think the law is absolutely just?
My lawbook says on page 3 that you're retarded
I came for autism and I found it in less than 5 minutes
Bankers and pedophiles apparently <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
They're only one of those
Including you
I sure will...until the day the law tells me to go kill myself or something
How much brainwashing does it take to get you to this point...
Take a shot every time someone says something retarded
Are you a college student/graduate @fannybandit <:thonk:320424213527920640> ?
rice farmers with outdated guns
Sorry but people get sick of talking to retards after a while so you shouldn't expect a different kind of reply @Arch_NME
You could easily kill 300mil people with 4k tanks
Excuse me
That's offensive to us squeakers
Pretty sure any RTS can prove you wrong kiddo <:cool_yuno:341598448962764800>
It's not cool to bully retarded people.. <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
You're still stuck up on that shitpost?
Commies are a bit more than retarded
That's the only definition of nationalism I know, in reply to Amade.
This guy thinks wars are a bunch of cave-men punching eachother <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
I'd say that's more culture related regarding black people
OK Arch is shitposting
Sorry I have too much faith to believe someone can be so retarded.
I don't mean to attack you, if you are being serious you still have hope in gaining intellect.
I have your age.
You're 14 years old
Hello there, From Argentina
Talking here gives me a confidence boost <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
What did dogs ever do to deserve such insults? <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
They tricked everyone into thinking it was the lizards..but it was the dogs all along!!!!
We're not being invaded for example <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
The space diffrentiates retards from funny people
We have quite a bit
Today I woke up and said I'd stop acting retarded for once
But here I am
it's โจ
then down syndrome wouldn't exist
Libbies don't realize how retarded they are, why would we realize something like that then?
Cavemen were all blind
As an American, I'm upset with Arch representing us <:PlzRember:345369196202426368>
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