Message from @Firefly
Discord ID: 368023432513847296
I am of the male persuasion.
I can't tell by your typing
wat wat
When this is the prevailing overton window, that's when we'll know we've won.
so is tage
a fap or a trap
I have a beard.
I can practically taste the disappointment
h8ers gonna h8 comin str8 from the underg8
Your waifu
Only she was part of your former colonial mastur
to smash or not to smash
smash. Don't care if it's a trap or not
you get it
I mean... I'd prefer if they were a boy.
>race denialism
That sounds like a bunch of garbage.
I wonder why it sounds like garbage...
What could be at stake here for alla y'all who believe in race?
Education for one. I was taught about race in school.
Richard Dawkins disagrees with denialism of it too. Overall science being hijacked for political purposes.
we are all humans but different colour and some are better than others
jewish masterace
So you were taught about race in school?
School in America?
schools in america just kill each other