Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 426398557612933121
Cognitive dissonance to the the max
Most literally just dont know
JEWS. HATE. YOU. their schools teach them to hate Christians, and Christians in Israel are treated as bad as muslims, they force us into our own slums, the blonde girl who was attacked and arrested was a Christian.
Palestinian Christians are sometimes treated worse than Muslims.
The way boomers just go along with everything infuriates me
Lebanon is the last Christian country in the ME, and Israel threatens to flatten it on a daily basis
@Joey Zyklon what worse is that they justify it to themselves by putting us down
I've been called mentally ill and brainwashed by so many of them while trying to debate
It is literally taught that Christians are an enemy of Israel, in Israel.
They dont care about how much you love jews.
And the boomers just sit there and go along with it, I N F U R I A T I N G
Well you might have seen one of those comments
Boomer claiming that Jews don't have to accept Jesus BECAUSE they're God's chosen people
The Jews demanded Jesus be crucified, and yet they kiss the ground the Jews walk on
Jesus literally walked into a temple of jews and beat them with a whip for cheating people out of money.
And called the jews the synagogue of Satan
I like how priests literally skip or completely cut out anti-semitic parts of the bible.
There are some parts that get very Jew-hating.
In this one single case, the Jew does not lie
Its funny, when those kids started complaining about the NRA, the NRA has experienced 700,000 new members
I am joining in the next week.
Those kids are a psy op imo
Thwyre trying to counter the gen z is right wing trend with some totally cool rebellious ones
One has a shaved head! Look how edgy she is kids
Has anybody seen the video where they basically admit the bullying him
The shooter i mean
Yeah, i like how SOOO many of their classmates dont agree with them, one kid literally said guns arent the issue in a CNN interview, they never interviewed him again.
They only interview the kids who agree with them.
That's the thing they don't realize is that by then pushing these kids the way they are it just makes kids hate them
The fact they take the ugliest female they could a person possibly found not only that but it's pretty evident she would have protested against anything
They searched for a le 56% lesbian with a Hispanic name to push their agenda.
The amount of grooming theyperform on them is pretty obvious too
Especially hogg
Id love to bully him
His arms are so thin its creepy.
Does muscle even exist or is it dead cartilage?
Look at his Biceps
he looks like a paraplegic standing up
like his arms atrophied