Message from @Jew S U P R E M E
Discord ID: 543644167218397194
and begin the process of destroying minority cultures
might just start learning esperanto specifically for this
Religion restricts the people’s freedom
We are creating a spiritual race here
@DA GOMMIE JOO except then you'd be talking with losers who wasted their time to learn esperanto
@DCagent Invite everyone from the republican server
Im gonna troll and dab on them
Christianity and monotheism is like dictatorship but spiritually
i've been sending them screenshots of you making an ass of yourself for the past 3 days
@DCagent already a loser, nothing of value lost
well at least you're honest
Im an open theocratic fascist
to think i care about freedom is a meme
This is a joke
@Jew S U P R E M E I actually know this guy from another place, he's sadly not joking lmao
And I can say
Freedom is hot
America First
Oppression of the people leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat
Repeating history again
@Anakin Skywalker aren't you like 15?
not much better
also this is like the third time you've tried to friend me
TFW your slowly dying inside
>tfw you're slowly dying while hanging from a gas station
>tfw when your laughing at a good meme
Kio la fek
you worship a man who got turned into a human pinata