Message from @DCagent
Discord ID: 543649438506156034
I love you
Hail Stalin.
what the fuck is pan christianity?
It means we accept all protestants.
Authoritarian socialism is bad
The USSR wasn’t even socialist in Marxist terms
....pfft you'd think ALL protestants would just unite like that?
They can against the catholics
@Anakin Skywalker against 22% of the USA population?
Lmao you genociding california and new england.
This is a big problem.
just letting you also know for lulz
I was raised catholic
What is the best form of socialism in your opinions @DCagent @Anakin Skywalker @Jew S U P R E M E
hail to the pope
Marxist Leninism @The Socialist Born In The USA Yugoslavian Milosevic Socialism.
Sometimes Trotskyism
we bombed the serbians
Those are good marches
Big Mistake imo.
We should help Assad and Serbia hell maybe even Russia.
The Chinese are the real threat.
I'd assume you sympathize with the serbs because of the genocide they attempted?
To be fair it isn't genocide if its based on religion.
>to be fair
saluton, mi estas komencanto en esperanta
You are a protestant version of the USTASA
change my mind
oh okay nobody is actually speaking esperanto
Who cares
@DA GOMMIE JOO because nobody should waste their time learning it lol