Message from @Fash Dragon
Discord ID: 412430645411840001
Don't just give up if she's truly great
Trust me. @Fash Dragon trust me, there's a million thin chicks out there that aren't worth a damn
If she isn't willing to take your gentle guidance, you can move on
You got a point haha
But I wouldn't discount her completely m
That's more or less what I'm thinking
If my husband and I had based our relationship choice on appearance alone instead of our chemistry and shared interests, we wouldn't be together
And he has since overhauled his diet and I've gotten literal surgery to help me stop drinking
He losing weight and I'm getting sober. That's what a relationship is. A team.
The modern standard is so bent toward consumerism, even of PEOPLE. If they don't meet all of our checklist points, we just throw them away? That's bullshit.
And @FashyGoy1488 may be right, perhaps her body type is a reflection of how she feels about herself, but that could also evolve in the course of a relationship. I'm talking short term. If she isn't willing to pull her weight (no pun intended) move on.
She's literally the closest thing I have ever found to a big tiddy goth gf
Of course she probably doesn't care about herself. Who among us did before we came here?
I sure as fuck didn't.
I'm not guaranteeing you she will change. Fuck, I really don't even expect her to, honestly. But I don't know her. And neither does anyone else here. If you feel you can connect and have good chemistry, it's worth at least attempting to lead her in the right direction. Trad guys always want to talk about leading a normie woman down the right path and making her a wife, but if anything deviates even slightly from their checklist they cut and run. Here's your chance, buddy.
You make a lot.of really good points
I think that's good advice. And our chemistry is FANTASTIC
that's honestly the only reason I've stuck around this long
Chemistry is imperative. Anything else can be modified with gentle guidance over time.
If you need help on how to nudge her in the right direction, seriously hit up my husband @parrott . It's certainly insane to throw a real human connection away over some pounds of flesh.
Like obviously you're a woman that's done a bit of self improvement
Set the example is number one, obviously. Express concern for her health, never address the weight. Talk about how her body needs to be healthy for her future children.
Encourage her STRONGLY to participate in physical fitness with you, but start out slow.
Find out her favorite foods and give them a healthy remix that you guys can make together.
Obviously she has low self esteem or something. Find ways to build that up. Subtly, not cringe style.
I don't know how close you guys are, but if you're close enough, help her shop for cute, form flattering workout clothes.
Take walks. Plan them so you end up at a place she likes, or a place of relationship significance
Yeah, you can find out if she’s willing to make positive changes to her life/diet
If she’s down, you guys could totally do it together and stuff
Sorry for the wall of text. If you need any advice @Fash Dragon , my husband and I are always here to talk to. Good luck.
But some women don’t desire to make healthier choices, and if that’s the case with her, I suggest you move on because you actually care about yourself and in the end she will only weigh you down (also no pun intended)
Best of luck brother
This is really good advice guys. Thank you a lot
@patron Saint of EATIN Is right. Look, you can't turn a whore into a housewife, but you can turn a good woman into a better woman. Apply some National Socialism to the situation. Looks alone will end, youve gotta think about the genes you want passed on and who you want to spend the rest of your life with
Trust me man, marriage is hard
You can always improve looks, cant usually improve personality
And if she shares your dreams, your passion, and is a good woman; she'll naturally wanna improve herself if you lead her
Women above all need 1 thing, steady and strong leadership
You dont bully her and call her fat, you dont ignore the situation, you lovingly but firmly lead in your own life and offer to have her follow you. Trust me, it works