Message from @Praise Jesus ✞✞✞ - North NJ
Discord ID: 288155953155801089
nah i only suck dick
Yeah, no homo, I'm just mirin'
lol I hate Hillary Clinton
We all do
Just gotta keep it clear
Any former military?
does meme war veteran count
Joining the Nat guard myself
nat guard isnt real
Muslim women are liberals new go-to whenever someone wants to show tolerance
Even though Islam is the most intolerant religion of all time
But don't you know, Sharia is just praying 5 times a day, you intolerant goyim!
>implying The God Emperor isn't already a god
Your lack of faith is disturbing
Do I smell a heritic?
Don't slide the twitter account with memes, man, I want people to see it.
Think it's legit, has pics of the stickman
Where do we post our raifus?
no idea
Ha just saw your username
Is that thing real?
Chemtrail juice
is he ok ???
Did he died?
He should be put out of his miserable existence.